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贝蒂的姑姑和姑父喜欢去电影院。Bettys aunt and uncle like the cinema.

我的姑姑和姑父去机场接我的。My aunt and uncle met me at the airport.

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你给你姑父和我都添了麻烦。You've given both your uncle and myself a lot of trouble.

大玉儿知道了两次救她的人就是自己的姑父皇太极。Big on her know the twice to save her that his uncle huang taiji.

我的爸爸,妈妈,爷爷奶奶们,外公外婆,姑姑,姑父,姐姐他们都很爱我。My father, mother, grandparents, aunt, uncle, sister, they love me very much.

姑妈是爸爸的妹妹,姑父是姑妈的丈夫,他们的女儿是我的表妹。My aunt is dad, sister of uncle aunt is the husband, their daughter is my cousin.

我们假设是你的男友或者女友,你的父母,还有你的姑姑或者姑父。Let's say it's your boyfriend or girlfriend. it's your mom and dad, your aunt or uncle,

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她和我姑父吵架了,于是他就在她的客户里面排队。She and my uncle had had an argument, and to make up he waited in her customer service line.

红花忆起了自己被现在姑父两位老人家所救的经过,发誓一定要继续她的复仇之路。Safflower recalled that he was now uncle, two old mans house had saved vowed to continue her revenge.

他想起徐华北的姑父在A委员会工作,是个领导干部。He remembered that Xu Huabei's uncle worked at the "A" Committee -was, in fact, a leading cadre there.

她象我的孩子一样,你姑父去世以后,她是我这些年来最亲密的朋友。She was like my child. Since your uncle passed away, she's been my closest friend for all these years.

在陪同她那明智而紧跟时尚的姑父、姑母旅行时,伊丽莎白与达西再次重逢。Elizabeth again meets Darcy while she is traveling with her intelligent and fashionable uncle and aunt.

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本被小姑莱娅·奥加纳·索洛和小姑父汉·索洛带到科洛桑抚养。Ben was taken in by his aunt and uncle, Leia Organa Solo and her husband, Han, and brought up on Coruscant.

现在,J姑父也许正仰卧在花园里与丁香树探讨毛毛虫的生活习性呢。Uncle James might just as well have lain on his back in the garden and chattered to the lilac tree about the habits of caterpillars.

让我们想想。卡洛林姑姑第一次婚姻的儿女是吉姆姑父的继子女,卡洛林姑姑是他的孩子们的继母。Let's see. aunt Caroline's sons and daughters from her first marriage are Uncle Jim's stepchildren. aunt Caroline is his children's stepmother.

路上,红枝看到了给保卫处送菜回来的红花,但红花假装不认识并让姑父赶快走,红枝却非常确定她就是红花。Road, red branch saw the red flowers send food back to defence, but safflower pretended not to know and let uncle hurry, red branch is very sure she is red.

我并不了解我的姑姑、伯伯和姑父,因为我从未亲眼见过他们,但对他们的回忆和纪念却是我们日常生活的一部分。So while I didn't know my aunt and uncles and had never actually met them in the flesh, remembering them and honoring their memory was part of our daily ritual.