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唯一的出路是治疗。The only way out is treatment.

谁能说出路将伸延何方?Who can say where the road goes.

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我花了很大得劲才找到出路。It take effort to find a way out.

我们应节省不学会计的出路必要的开支。We should save u ece ary expe es.

作为一名艺人,这是个很好的出路。As an artist, it's a great outlet.

努力学习才是你的唯一出路!Studing hard is your only way out.

我们的心路,决定我们的出路。Our journey, decided to our way out.

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方天翼似乎没有出路了。The physical seems to be no way out.

而开放政策则是唯一的出路。An open policy is the only way to go.

我希望着并盼望着能有新的出路。I hope for—and expect—a new direction.

麦克蕾意识到这是他们唯一的出路。McRae realized it was their only hope.

韩国音乐家,音乐外销成唯一出路。Korean musicians must export or starve.

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他在信中告诉我,没有出路。In which he told me there is no way-out.

我的心如死灰,死是唯一出路。My heart is so wretched that I must die.

农业的根本出路在于机械化。The key to agriculture is mechanization.

玉米和糖用甜菜可能是未来的出路。Corn and sugar beets could be the future.

这个发现让裘新看到了出路。This discovery let Qiu Xin see an outlet.

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它滑出路面,撞上一棵大树。It skidded off the road and hit a big tree.

他们仓惶盲目地寻找著出路。They tumble blindly as they make their way.

我不服输,我将找到出路,嘿嘿嘿!I aint goin down, gonna find a way, hey hey hey.