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对于这个温文尔雅的超级间谍来说似乎不大可能。Unlikely for the suave superspy.

她是一个温文尔雅,聪明伶俐的女孩。She is a cultured and bright girl.

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她唯一的可贵之处是温文尔雅的性情。Her only asset was a gentle nature.

我的新老师是一个温文尔雅的人。My new teacher is a very gentle person.

最后,我渴望练就温文尔雅的性情。Then, last of all, I desiderate urbanity.

一位温文尔雅名叫约翰•詹姆森的老绅士。A courtly old gentleman named john jameson.

蒲柏总是四平八稳、始终如一、温文尔雅。Pope is always smooth, uniform, and gentle.

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他是个长得粗犷的男人,但举止温文尔雅。He was a bear of a man, but kind and gentle.

她带着一个眼镜,讲起课来温文尔雅。She took a glasses, talk in class to stomach.

对于哪些偶们漠不关心地人,偶们总能做到温文尔雅。On can always be kind to people one cares nothing about.

温文尔雅正是学者的态度。Being gentle and cultivated is just a scholar's attitude.

祖父是个慈祥的人,温文尔雅,充满智慧,而且也耐心。He was a kind and gentle man, full of wisdom and patience.

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不久之前日本的交通警察还是温文尔雅的一群人。JAPANESE traffic cops were until recently a genteel bunch.

啊,我是多么努力在要做到更温文尔雅、更随和!Zoikes, how I try to be more mild-mannered and easy-going!

她温文尔雅的外表第一次露出破绽。For the first time her veneer of politeness began to crack.

谁是我们在上面照片中看到的那个温文尔雅的人呢?So who is the debonair looking guy in the photograph above?

尽管处于危机之中,董事长的声音还象通常一样温文尔雅。Despite the crisis the chairman's voice was urbane as usual.

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坚定不移需要力量,温文尔雅则需勇气。It takes strength to be firm, It takes courage to be gentle.

这小姑娘温文尔雅,大家都很喜欢她。The little girl isgentleandcultivatedand everybody likes her.

这小姑娘温文尔雅,大家都很紧喜欢她。The little girl is gentle and cultivated and everybody likes her.