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我向他的行为提出进谏。I remonstrated against his behaviour.

他的职责是向国王进谏。His job was to give advice to the emperor.

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朝臣都知道这事但是不敢进谏。Courtier salt knows, the Mogan remonstrance.

命令一下,群臣前去进谏的,一时川流不息,朝廷门口每天像市场一样热闹。The area in front of the palace gate was as busy as a market.

这是一种高雅的智慧游戏,臣子们有时利用陪弈的良机,向帝王纳言进谏。Courtiers often took occasion of playing chess to offer advices to emperor.

明代官员的进谏实践,进一步丰富了中国古代的进谏理论。The admonishing practice of many officials enriched the admonition theory in ancient China.

与前代相比,群体性的直谏、强谏成为明代官员进谏的显著特点。Comparing with the former Dynasty, the remarkable characteristic was group admonition in the MingDynasty.

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员工对组织的信任在管理者信任与进谏行为间起部分中介作用。The relationship between trust in supervisor and voice behavior is partly mediated by trust in organization.

君子先取得君主信任以后再去进谏,不然他会认为你是对他毁谤、攻击。He must be trusted before remonstrating. If he is not trusted, the sovereign will consider himself slandered.

廷杖就是皇帝下令在宫廷杖打因进谏而触怒自己或有过失的官员。Tingzhang is the order made by the emperor to flog the officials at court who have infuriated the emperor or made mistakes.

员工工作绩效分为任务绩效和周边绩效,周边绩效本研究以进谏行为为代表。The job performance of employee includes task performance and contextual performance represented by Voice Behavior in this study.

从历史的发展来看,明代官员在进谏方面的努力,可视为中国古代士人政治的挽歌。From the point of view of history development, the efforts in admonition reflected a factor that the bachelor politics was winding up.

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进谏时只引用成语,把言语的责任推给古人。这样做虽然言词率直,也含有批评朝政人君的意思,可是卫君却都怪罪不到我头上来。When expostulating , I quote idioms and ancient stories, and compare with the ancients so that I can shirk the possible offence of wording.

文章系统地介绍了进谏行为的概念,进谏行为对组织的作用以及影响进谏行为的因素。The article systematically introduced the definition of voice behavior, its functions in organization and the factors that may influence voice behavior.

本文跳出了文本的樊篱,以战国时谋臣策士的进谏策略为切入点,进行了深入的分析。This thesis deeply analyses the advising strategy of brain trusters and schemers in Warring States Period as an entrance out of the restriction of the text.