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“这会变得更糟,”他感慨道。"It will get worse," he says.

我心中涌起的思绪和感慨。The thoughts that arise in me.

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感慨良多的一天。Anyway, it's really a sweety day.

绚丽的感慨,为谁覆载。Beautiful feeling, for whom the load.

人生在世,总得发表一些感慨。A life, he will have to express some emotion.

每一次落雨,我心中总是无限感慨。Because every time it rains, I fall to pieces.

不知道该开演些什么,总是莫名奇妙的感慨!Begin do not know what's always baffled Feeling!

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近来心情郁闷,心中感慨无数。Recently feeling depressed, feeling the hearts of many.

当年雄才奇士们,也难免有这样的感慨。When the hero Sunkist, also hard to avoid has such feeling.

不见凄楚,不曾怨恨,不会落泪,顶多是对光阴匆匆的一种感慨。Not sad, never hate, no tears, no time to rush for a feeling.

“音乐是舞蹈的灵魂”——这是芭蕾女神乌兰诺娃的感慨。"Music is the soul of dance"—Ballet Queen Galina Ulanova said.

喝凉水都长肉,很多人经常发出这样的感慨。Cold drinks are long flesh, many people often make such feeling.

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这时,老苦役犯的脸上显出了一种不胜感慨的笑容,宛如天使的庄严妙相。Then the ex-convict smiled with the pensive smile of the angels.

阔别这清明明亮、极冷的客栈房间,以及那无尽的空虚感慨。From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you feel.

在天河城百货逛街的林先生发出如此感慨。Shopping in Tianhe City Department Stores, Mr. Lin to give a feeling.

为什么年老小伙临去时在电话中感慨蝴蝶美丽?Why younger guy near when going on phone exclamation butterfly pretty?

今天是卖报最后一天,心中感慨颇深。Today is the last day of selling newspaper, feeling is quite deep in heart.

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风从指间掠过,我对镜中的自己感慨良久。Winds flying through the fingers, I sigh deeply at my old image in the mirror.

一位业内专家在对中小企业电子商务进行调查后如是感慨。An industry expert in the investigation of the SME e-commerce case with emotion.

“稳定性是很重要的,你不可能用一年来建设一个球队”维耶拉感慨地说。"Stability helps a lot as you can't build a team in one year. " observed Vieira.