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漂流之后还可以品尝到美味的河鱼。I can't wait to raft along the river.

在中国,草鱼是常见的河鱼。Grass carp is a common kind of freshwater fish in China.

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河鱼类可以让鱼头孙去,只要找到一种鱼就准能赢。River fish can make head to sun, as long as find a fish must win.

各种禁食期是经常而普遍实行的,那时候河鱼在国民生活中发挥着重要作用。Fasts were frequent and universally practised, river fish played an important part in the national life.

各种禁食期是经常而普遍实行的,那时候河鱼在国民生活中发挥着重要作用。When fasts were frequent and universally practised, river fish played an important part in the national life.

其它美味食物有卤汁鹿肉和半冰冻的生河鱼片。Other delicacies include marinated reindeer meat and semi-frozen slices of raw river fish – a sort of Yakutian sushi.

因为子爵用金盘子及金银器皿来款待他,在他的城堡外面有一个巨大的池塘,里面除了河鱼,甚至还有海鱼They served him on gold plates with gold silverware, and he had huge ponds stocked with not only freshwater fish but saltwater fish.

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现在在中国已经很难吃到野生的河鱼了,绝大部分都是通过饲料喂养的鱼类,哪怕就是生活在大江大河旁边,也是这样。Currently in China it is very difficult to eat wild river fish, most are farm-raised fish, this is the same even with those who live next to large rivers.

然后是一条硕大的新鲜河鱼,加豆豉焖熟,配上苦瓜的奎宁味道,搭配得出人意料而又十分美味。Then a large fresh river fish, braised in a rich black bean sauce and paired with the quinine bitterness of melon, made an unexpected but delicious combination.

水下景观图片美术馆。学校银河鱼游泳与一名潜水员离开西部大开曼群岛。增殖在夏季,银河鱼滋养较大的珊瑚礁物种,如鱼类,由于过度捕捞其数目已经下降。Schools of silversides swim with a diver off western Grand Cayman. Proliferating in summer, silversides nourish larger reef species such as jacks, whose numbers have fallen due to overfishing.

这道菜通常是由整条淡水河鱼切成块,和大量的西红柿、辣椒、洋葱、飞溅的啤酒混合成的酱一起炖。Normally the dish is made with an entire fresh water river fish chopped up into chunks and simmered in a sauce filled with tomatoes, chili peppers, onions, and a splash of beer to liven-up the sauce.