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通过斜面连接在一起。To meet in a miter joint.

你可以看到下面的斜面参数。You can see the Bevel settings below.

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用砂纸打磨这块木头,磨出一个光滑的斜面。Sand the wood until it has a nice bevel.

在臀部没有有斜面和角度。There is no slope or angle to the croup.

这是斜面,这是物体。This is that slope, here is that object.

这是所有的高抛光与斜面的边缘。It is all high polish with beveled edges.

添加斜面和浮雕和渐变叠加。Add Bevel and Emboss and Gradient Overlay.

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悬岸是非常、非常徒的斜面。A precipice is a very, very steep declivity.

此外,屏幕几乎总是有一个斜面的边缘。Also, screens nearly always have a bevelled edge.

伽利略让小金属球从斜面滚下。Galileo rolled small metal balls down the incline.

参见本免费视频分色斜面的例子。See examples of dichroic bevels in this free video.

集群斜面是创造优良的玻璃艺术。Cluster bevels are excellent for creating glass art.

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分色斜面是创造优良的玻璃艺术。Dichroic bevels are excellent for creating glass art.

他在进行斜面结合前给斜面涂了胶水。He covered the miter with glue before making the joint.

支持阴影,恢复体力,夜光,3D斜面等效果。Supports shadow, Refection, Glow, 3D bevel etc. effects.

音乐起,胆源性白斜面男孩我听到你说。Play that funky music, white boy I cant hear you, say it.

游戏B像是可以抓住物体的锯齿状斜面。Game B is like the saw-tooth slope that can catch objects.

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用这个底层的图片为斜面与浮雕设置值。Use the image below for the values of the Bevel and Emboss.

在有机玻璃创建一个明亮的边缘效应的斜面边缘。The beveled edges of the Plexiglass create a luminous edge effect.

研究了冰排与斜面结构的相互作用过程。The interaction between ice sheet and sloping structure is studied.