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仰韶文化是黄河中游地区重要的新石器时代文化。The culture is in the middle of the Yellow River at the New Stone Age.

仰韶文化是距今约5000~7000年中国新石器时代的一种文化。Yangshao culture is now about 5000 to 7000 of a Neolithic culture in China.

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仰韶文化属于母系氏族公社制繁荣时期的文化。Yangshao culture is matriarchal clan commune system during the cultural prosperity.

半坡遗址是一个典型的仰韶文化村落遗址。Banpo is a typical site of the Yangshao Culture which belonged to China's Neolithic Age.

仰韶文化陶器上蒙面人纹饰表达的应当是一种神秘主义的主题。The veiled man engraved on stoneware of Yangshao Culture expressed mysticism as a theme.

仰韶文化的主要特征是彩陶,其宗教符号以半坡的双鱼为主。The main features of Yangshao painted pottery, and their religious symbols to Banpo mainly of Pisces.

仰韶文化的发现及周口店猿人遗址的发掘,奠定了中国考古学发展的坚实基础。The excavation of Yangshao culture and Zhoukoudian ape man relics laid a foundation to the Chinese archaeology.

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新石器时期,在黄河中、下游地区,出现了仰韶文化和龙山文化。The Neolithic period, in the Yellow River in the lower reaches, there has been Yangshao and the Longshan culture.

正是这个人根据中国仰韶文化的彩陶特色正式提出了“西来说”这一概念。It is this person under the formal characteristics of Chinese pottery Yangshao proposed the "West" of the concept.

1975年,在陕西华县仰韶文化庙底沟类型的墓葬中发掘出一件陶制鹰鼎。In 1975 a beautifully shaped pottery eagle tripod was unearthed in a tomb of the Yangshao culture in Shanxi Province.

仰韶文化前期的刻画符号,绝大部分位于陶钵口沿。有些是烧制前刻的,有的是烧制完成后填画上去的。Some are to go up to fill painting after the system carving , having plenty of fever is completed before burning system.

以地学背景分析为基础,探讨了地学背景与半坡仰韶文化遗址的关系。This paper analyzes the geological background and the relationship between the background and Banpo Yangshao culture relic.

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仰韶文化它位于黄河中游地区,遍及河南、山西、陕西、甘肃、河北、宁夏等地。Yangshao culture in its middle reaches of the Yellow River, across Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Hebei, Ningxia and other places.

仰韶文化,1921年在河南省渑池县仰韶村首次发现,由此得名。Yangshao Culture was first discovered in Yangshao Village, Mianchi County, Henan Province in 1921, hence the name of Yangshao Culture.

仰韶文化中一个重要的图案是精美的玫瑰,红山文化中则是龙的图案。One of the prominent motifs of the Yangshao culture is a stylized rose, while a dragon pattern is associated with the Hongshan culture.

今天在中国已发现上千处仰韶文化的遗址,其中以河南省和陕西省为最多,是仰韶文化的中心。Today in China has found thousands of the Yangshao culture site, Henan and Shaanxi Province to the maximum, Yangshao culture is at the centre.

本书的主要研究对象仰韶文化可能需要拆分,由此而涉及到界定考古学文化的标准问题。The Yangshao culture, a major subject of this book, may need breaking up, which raises the issue of the criteria of defining archaeological culture.

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河洛地区生动的黄帝传说,密集的仰韶文化遗址和丰富的文化遗存,是该地区十分重要的文化旅游资源。Heluo area is the main area where Huangdi tribe moved according to the ancient legends. Yangshao culture is the remains which Huangdi tribe produced.

由于仰韶文化包括不同地区、不同时代的多种类型,其彩陶装饰花纹带的主题纹样也各有不同。Pottery utensils of the same Yangshao culture that are found in different places invariably have different theme patterns for their decorative belts.

属黄河中游地区新石器时代的仰韶文化,位于陕西省西安半坡村。Banpo culture of the Neolithic Age in the middle reaches of the Yellow River is the Yangshao culture, located in Xi'an Banpo village in Shaanxi Province.