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他常常心不在焉。He’s often absent-minded.

心不在焉的教授。The absent-minded Professor.

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“是啊,”她心不在焉地赞同说。"Yes, " she assented absently.

只有一次,你看起来心不在焉。For once, you seem not to mind.

告诉他切不可心不在焉。Tell him never be absentminded.

只是你发现自己恍恍惚惚心不在焉了。You just find yourself wandering.

他心不在焉地跟太太说话。He spoke to his wife absentmindedly.

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那位心不在焉的女演员忘了台词。The distrait actress fluffed her lines.

她心不在焉地捲曲自己的头发。She was twirling her hair absentmindedly.

她仍心不在焉地望着大海。She continued to look absently at the sea.

这个工人因为病了,所以有点心不在焉的。The worker was absent-minded for he was ill.

一只非洲野绵羊心不在焉地扒着泥土,咀嚼着。An aoudad absently pawing the mud and chewing.

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她心不在焉地召唤她的孩子。She calls out to her children almost absently.

我弟弟一直心不在焉的读书。My brother continued to read the book absently.

迈克尔望着她,表现出心不在焉的样子。Michael looked at her in an absentminded fashion.

“我们都要输了,”克鲁利心不在焉地答复着。"We're all going to lose," said Crowley absently.

“我们都要输了,”克鲁利心不在焉地答复着。"We're all going to lose, " said Crowley absently.

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避免轻叩手指或心不在焉地玩弄钢笔。Avoid tapping your fingers or fidgeting with a pen.

缺乏兴趣也能导致心不在焉。Lack of interest can also lead to absent-mindedness.

我们都在笑那个心不在焉的教授。We were laughing about that absent-minded professor.