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第二部分主要从历史和现实两个层面,分析“师道尊严”应然地位与实然境遇的逆差。The second part has analyzed the different situation of "the absolute authority of the teachers" in the history and reality.

只有打破传统的“师道尊严”的壁垒,才能实践创新教育。We must break the bulwark of traditional dignity of teaching profession first, then we can carry out the innovation education.

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本文中,笔者就大力提倡师道尊严的必要性、我国学校教育存在的问题及提倡师道尊严的途径三个方面进行了阐述。In the article, I clarify three phases on necessity to advocate the teachers dignity extremely, existing problem in school education of our countr.

教师从传统的师道尊严的权威者形象到新的“平等中的首席”形象的转变有重要研究意义。It is important to research the transformation of teachers' image from authoritative person with the dignity of teachers to the first among the equals.

在我们的传统教育中,教室里、课堂上的老师是知识、智慧的代表和象征,要用各种仪式树立老师的地位和威严,似乎只有如此才能作好教学,用儒家的话来总结就是“师道尊严”。In the traditional one, a teacher in a classroom represents the knowledge and wisdom. His or her status and dignity must be set up by using regulations.

其次,政府应当积极作为,通过完善教育制度设计、赋予教师合法权力维护和提高教师社会地位等行动构建“师道尊严”新局面。Third, the community, including non-governmental forces and the media and public should promote the rebuilding of "the absolute authority of the teachers" together.

而长幼尊卑和师道尊严,也是这种“孝道”观念在处理非亲子间人际关系时的一种延伸。Furthermore, the morality of filial piety was then extended from parent-child relationship to teacher-pupil relationship and functioned to buttress seniority rules in general.

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“师道尊严”是“师严道尊”的误传,其实质是只有严肃认真负责任的教师才能使社会尊重教育。The writer argues that the popular saying of the dignity of the teaching profession is a mistake for that of the strict and responsible teacher for social respect of education.

我国一向有“师道尊严”、“尊师重道”的传统,对于教师的作用与角色期待更是高,有“万世之师”之称的孔子以其诲人不倦、因材施教等高尚气节为教师作出了一个近乎“圣人”的定位。China has always had the tradition of showing great respect to the teachers and, accordingly, expects much more out of the role and action of the teachers, to the extent of a sage.

“师道尊严”作为传统的师生关系理念,由来已久,源远流长,历经几千年的发展变化,其内涵不断丰富、外延不断扩展,对中国传统社会产生过极其深远的影响。As a traditional idea of teacher-student relationship, the "Teachers' Dignity" had been developed for thousands of years, with its intension and extension becoming more and more affluent.

另一方面学生仍固守本份,究其原因就是我们的师生关系还没有从“师道尊严”中解脱出来。On the other hand the student still defended stubbornly the province, investigates its reason is our teachers and students relations" has not said the dignity from the teacher" to extricate.

然后,分析了教育符号化的困顿的形成原因,主要是由于受到经典科学、符号占有的功利性作用、“师道尊严”观念以及“快食面”文化多重的影响所致。Then, studies that how the difficulty emerged, which are being affected by the classical science, symbols' utilitarianism, the permeation of traditional teacher's sanctity and instant-noodles culture.