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我们认为万全之策是切实可行的。We hold a sure card to be practical.

我们认为万全之策是切实可行的。We hold a sure card to be practicable.

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想要个提高婚姻质量的万全之策?Want a sure-fire way to improve your marriage?

工业电脑很少有“万全之策”的解决办法。Industrial Computing rarely has a "one size fits all" solution.

在挑选水果的时候,没有什么万全之策。There are no absolute guarantees about what to do when it comes to choosing fruit.

一件事的做法不止一种,不止一个人有行得通的好办法,也没有哪一种方法是万全之策。There is more than one way to do something. More than one person has had good ideas that will work.

一个吸引新读者和顾客的万全之策就是跳出你的圈子。One surefire way to attract new customers and readers is to go outside of your existing niche boundaries.

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因此,我们更该完善监管,我们应该想个应对问题的万全之策So, we just have to keep improving our regulation and trying to make a deal with all of the problems as they come up.

这个万全之策就是利用石墨烯的导电性能,在混合过程中联通电流。Their solution was to take advantage of graphene's electrical conductivity, by running a current through the mixture.

他已经想出了一个万全之策,而成败仅取决于他说服的技巧和他的朋友是否能通融了。He had a foolproof strategy. It just depended on his powers of persuasion and how much a friend of his was willing to bend the rules.

一件事的做法不止一中,不止一个人有行得通的好办法,也没有哪一种方法是万全之策。There is more than one way to do something. More than one person has had good ideas that will work. There is no one and only "best" way.

不少医院的负责人认为,长假期间单纯加强急诊并非万全之策。The hospital is responsible for a lot of people think that during the long holiday simply is not a surefire plan to strengthen the emergency room.

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“我们需要知道,这是一个我们将要长久面临的问题,我们现在就需要开始准备万全之策,”他对以色列广播说到。"We need to understand that this is a problem we're going to live with for a very long time, and we need to start preparing an alternative now, " he told Israeli radio.

德容说,该调查显示,在留住女员工方面,没有一个万全之策。DeJongh, managing director of US human capital and diversity at the company, said the survey showed that "one-size is not going to fit all" when it comes to retaining women.

老挝当局强调大坝的设计将缓和对食物保障、生态环境与野生动物造成的影响,但官员们亦承认对于环境来说并无万全之策。The Laos authorities insist the dam will be designed to mitigate the impact on food security, ecosystems and wildlife, but officials acknowledge that no solution is ideal for the environment.

自从计算机技术应用于地图制图学领域的第一天起,地图自动综合就成为人们一直想要解决的问题,直到21世纪的今天,仍没能找到一个万全之策来解决这一国际性难题。People always want to solve the problem of map automatic generalization since computer technology was applied in cartography. Until the 21st century, there is not a perfect method to solve it.