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腋芽或侧芽是生在枝的侧面叶腋内的芽。Axillary or lateral buds develop in the leaf axils.

腋芽隐藏下方肉质叶,叶柄。Axillary buds are hidden beneath fleshy leaf petioles.

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长枝每个叶腋均可见到腋芽。Each branch of the axillary long can see axillary bud.

带腋芽茎段优于带顶芽茎段。The stem with axillary buds is better than that with apical buds.

在烟叶生产中,烟株打顶之后腋芽会迅速发生。Axillary bud will grow quickly after decapitation during tobacco leaf production.

碳水化合物的积累为腋芽的产生提供了物质基础。The accumulation of carbohydrate supplied the matter and energy for the axillary buds to grow.

本文对红麻下胚轴、试管苗茎段、子叶、真叶、腋芽及原生质体培养进行了研究。In the study, hypocotyl, internodle stem, cotyledon, leaf, axillary bud and protoplast were cultured.

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以MS作为基本培养基,离体培养千头菊带腋芽茎段。Stem segments of Chrysanthemum morifolium with axillary bud were cultured in vitro on base MS medium.

愈伤组织的诱导分化以腋芽为外植体的芽分化率相对较高。The buds differentiation rate of callus, which induced by the axillary buds, was higher comparatively.

采用腋芽萌发途径,品种丹尼尔垫和多摩流的增殖系数分别达18和8。For cultivars'Daniel cushion'and'Tamaryuu', the multiplication coefficients reached 18 and 8 respectively.

本文对甜菜种株腋芽的培养进行了初步研究。In this paper, a preliminary study on the axillary bud culture of seed plants of sugarbeet is in progress.

腋芽分生组织的活性决定了植物营养生长期和生殖生长期的株型。Activity of axillary meristems dictates the architecture of both vegetative and reproductive parts of a plant.

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取山嵛菜带腋芽茎段作为外植体进行组织培养,利用长出的新芽直接诱导生成丛生芽。The techniques of tissue culture and rapid propagation were studied by using stem with axillary bud as explants.

适当提早收割头季稻,有利于保护低位腋芽生理活性。Shifting reaping stage to an appropriate earlier time is advantageous to protect the physiology activity of these buds.

腋芽也会妨碍机械采收并成为调制后烟叶中杂质的一个重要来源。Suckers can also interfere with mechanical harvesting and become a significant source of foreign matter in cured leaves.

为找出甘蓝腋芽扦插育苗的最佳方式,研究了不同生长调节剂和基质对甘蓝腋芽扦插育苗效果的影响。The effect of different pharmaceutical products and substrates on the quality of cabbage plant by axil bud cutting were studied.

以带腋芽的幼嫩茎段为外植体,研究矮秆一串红的离体快繁技术。The micropropagation technique of dwarf Salvia splendens was developed from the explants of young stem nodes with axillary buds.

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采用铺地锦的腋芽作外植体进行组培和快繁研究。In this test , axillary buds of Melastoma dodecandrum were collected as explants studied on tissue culture and rapid propagation.

成功控制腋芽生长的关键是适时施用腋芽抑制剂以及适量施用接触性和内吸性抑制剂。The key to successful sucker control is proper timing of suckercide application and use of proper rates of contacts and systemics.

以长寿花为材料,研究了其茎尖和带腋芽茎段组织培养技术。The tissue culture technology about shoot-tip and stem with auxiliary bud of Kalanchoe Blossfeldian, which were used as explant, were studied.