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但是,日本方面也不会善罢甘休。But neither is Japan.

你想我会善罢甘休吗?Did you think I'd forget?

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我们对你的粗暴无礼是不会善罢甘休的。We'll not take your rudeness lying down.

他们不会善罢甘休,它无法控制的。They won't let go, it's beyond their control.

不,他们不会善罢甘休,它无法控制的。No they won't let go, it's beyond their control.

可今天,阿曼达不打算“善罢甘休”。On this day, however, Amanda was not going to give up.

不过,从其进行反驳的博文来看,文克莱沃斯兄弟不会善罢甘休。But from the sound of a rebuttal blog post, the Winklevii aren't having it.

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中国拒绝善罢甘休,坚持要日方道歉和赔偿。China refused to be mollified, insisting it was owed an apology and compensation.

我保证,不到昂山素季和所有缅甸人民获得自由,我不会善罢甘休。I pledge that I will not rest until Aung San Suu Kyi, and all the people of Burma, are free.

墨美墨西哥人是不会善罢甘休停止返回墨西哥的企图的,无论有多少墨墨墨西哥人希望我们墨美墨西哥人返不了乡。Mexicans will not stop trying to get here, no matter how much the Mexicans wish we would not.

这是马基雅维利所言的两种不可调和的,对立道德立场,但是他并未就此善罢甘休。These are just two incompatible moral positions that Machiavelli states but he goes further than this.

艾莉打电话给世贤,世贤拒接她的电话,艾莉咬牙切齿的赌咒绝不会善罢甘休。Ellie call the Yin, the Yin refused to her telephone number, Ellie gnash teeth in hatred of swear never bolt.

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然而玛维并不打算善罢甘休,她尾随伊利丹来到外域,下决心要把他带回去接受审判。Maiev, however, would not quit so easily, and followed Illidan to Outland, determined to bring him to justice.

他说,无论什么信息公布出来,还是会有一些人不肯对这个问题善罢甘休。He said there would be some people who would not put the issue to rest, no matter what information is released.

安晓禄强行与公司解约,海哥不肯善罢甘休,他找了一群人收拾安晓禄。AnXiaoLu force and the termination of the company, and the defender would not let the, he found a group of people gathered AnXiaoLu.

这日,莫莉来到医院,惊闻杨大姐已经去世的消息,莫莉所担心的终于发生了,林午阳一定不会善罢甘休。That day, Molly came to the hospital, surprised WenYang elder sister has the news of the death, Molly fear finally happened, Lin Wu thing not let.

看来这五十步笑百步,让小拜斯有些不服,如果我们了解荾?就知道他可不会善罢甘休。有人要难堪了。Looks like the pot calling the kettle black has young bass boiling over, And if we know chuck He's not one to let things lie. Someone pour that man a drink.

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而夏琳则代替四季跟远先集团继续签署合同,可是对待欺负四季的人,易奕怎么会善罢甘休。While charlene instead of four seasons with far group continue to sign the contract first, treat people bully the four seasons, however, Yi Yi how can indeed.