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他要火葬,不要土葬。He wants to be cremated, not buried.

通常来说,都是采用土葬、火葬或者海葬。In general, they adopt the inhumation, cremation and sea-burial.

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请限制配售不超过百分之三土葬空间。Please limit placements to no more than three per interment space.

除访问土葬用地外,请避免步行跨越土葬区。Please avoid walking across interment sections except to visit interment spaces.

传统的土葬和火葬方式对环境有一定的负面影响。Traditional burial and cremation practices have a negative environmental impact.

尽管她想要土葬自己丈夫,结果还是在那里拿到了骨灰。There, she picked up her husband’s ashes even though she had wanted to bury his body.

在地少人多的香港,火葬远较土葬更常见,费用也较负担得起。Cremating the dead is more common and affordable than burials in land-scarce Hong Kong.

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霍华德光山殡仪馆服务公司是一个提供全面服务的殡仪馆火葬,土葬,和陵墓冢。Howard's scepter burial and funeral home a full-service cremation, burial, and Tel tomb.

卡尔和爱德华在讨论是土葬还是火葬。很多人觉得这个对话很搞笑。Carl and Edward was talking about being burried or cremated, which sounded funny to many people.

然而,在历史早期,希腊人都实行火葬,而不像荷马时期实行土葬。whereas, in the historical period, these people were cremated rather than buried in the world of Homer.

数千年以来,中国人相信只有经过恰当的土葬,逝者才能够得到安宁。For thousands of years, Chinese people believed that only a proper ground burial could bring peace to the deceased.

多年来一直有传闻说,他是被火化的,但其遗嘱中并没有提到这点,他的家人于是选择了土葬。For years he had talked about being cremated , but he made no provisions in his will , and his family opted for burial.

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印度河流域文明是使用土葬,而吠陀时期是使用火葬,暗示了随着时间的过去,受到了外来文明的影响。The IVC people buried the dead, whereas the dead were cremated in the Vedic time, suggesting influence of external cultures over time.

同时,还指出瓦屋村回族丧葬仪式所具有的土葬、速葬、薄葬以及人人平等的特征。Simultaneously, it pointed out that the features which possessed in the funeral ceremony are burial, speed burial, funerals and equality.

现有的火葬、土葬、墓葬等殡葬技术落后,直接造成环境的污染和土地的浪费。The prior funeral technologies such as cremation, inhumation, burials and the like are unprogressive, which directly causes environment pollution and land waste.

土葬也好火葬也好,都是把人的尸体或骨灰放在一个狭小的空间里,割裂了与自然的联系。Earth burials are okay, and so are cremations . Both involve taking a dead body or its ashes and placing them in a narrow space, keeping them separate from nature.

虽然土葬不被允许,但是天津人很重视清明节的扫墓活动。Although graves are no longer permitted, it is still important for Tianjinren to visit cemeteries and memorial parks on April's Pure Brightness Tomb Sweeping Festival.

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是土葬,还是将身体焚化后放在骨灰盒或是焚化后撒在大海里——圣经对此没有交代。A bodily burial versus having your body cremated and placed in an urn or having your body cremated and spread amongst the ocean waters – the Bible is silent on the issue.

根据中国法律,全国多数地区都要求火化,只有很少的几个地区可以土葬,其中主要是大山深处的少数民族村落。According to Chinese law, cremation is required in most of the country. Ground burial is only allowed in a very limited number of areas, mostly mountainous minority villages.

自然土葬方兴未艾。一些情况下,能最小化生态损害。另一些极简主义者是想要自然的、极简的葬礼。The natural burial movement is gaining momentum. In some cases, it's a way for people to minimise their ecological impact. Others just want natural, minimalist, no-fuss funerals.