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为什么如此繁荣?So why the boom?

现在它繁荣了。Now it's flourishing.

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这个地区繁荣起来了。The region is thriving.

蒙古也要繁荣了。Mongolia is about to boom.

愿神灵保佑我们的城市繁荣!May the gods prosper our city!

他认为这种繁荣的海市蜃楼。He thinks the boom is a mirage.

他们的妻儿繁荣Their wives bear them children.

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现代的雅典十分繁荣。Modern Athens hums with activity.

罗马通过税收繁荣。The Romans prospered by taxation.

西班牙是典型的例子,她经历了一场经济大繁荣。The case of Spain is paradigmatic.

到处是一派繁荣楼盛的景象。Signs of exuberance are everywhere.

这种担忧正是这轮繁荣的幕后推手I think the boom was driven by fear.

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几乎与51年的繁荣相当It's almost as big as the 1951 boom.

现在有了一片繁荣的硅谷。And you have the Silicon Valley boom.

我希望中国成功和繁荣。We want China to succeed and prosper.

但是,也有些繁荣是建立在希望之上。But some of the boom is based on hope.

愿你与盛达共繁荣!Wish you were with Shengda prosperity!

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繁荣是可以自我延续的。And exuberance can be self-perpetuating.

为什么出现全球性的繁荣Why would we have an international boom?

一个繁荣的杰哈迪亚文化出现了。A thriving jihadi subculture has emerged.