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你还没给我劳务费呢!You haven't given me service fee.

我可用食物或其它东西来换取劳务费呀。I could pay for things with food or something.

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现在一个工人一天的劳务费用在200-500之间。Now a worker's labor costs are between 200-500.

要我帮忙可是要付很高的劳务费的哦!I ask for a high service fee if you hope my help.

要我帮忙可是要付很高的劳务费的哦!If you want me to help you, you should pay me service fee.

我已经有赞助商给我付钱了,但想出名的洛莫纳科还没有给我付劳务费。I already have sponsors who pay me for publicity and I'm not paid to make a name for Lo Monaco.

那些死在手术台上的流浪冒险者诸如此类的,我拿走了他们的所有可能的东西作为劳务费,你明白的。Wandering adventurers dying on the table and what not, I take whatever they may have in pay, you understand.

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如果专门安排拍摄,演出商应支付团劳务费。If special arrangement is required for compensated photography, the PRODUCER shall pay the TROUPE for their services.

保证期到期后,卖方将根据当时通行的价格,收取买方零件费、劳务费和运输费。After expiration of the Warranty Period, Seller will charge Buyer at then current prices for parts, labor and transportation.

他的公司将39名律师和13名律师助手派往全州各地参与法庭辩论,现在和其他十几家公司一样没有收到劳务费。The firm, which sent 39 lawyers and 13 paralegals into court battles all over the state, is one of a dozen that have so far been stiffed.

对于广州的印象,父亲徐书峰觉得广州的劳务费比较有保证的,各个方面的服务都是很好的。For the impression of Guangzhou, the father Xu Shufeng thought labor cost was guaranteed in Guangzhou and all aspects of service were good.

由于资金不足,银行发布的借方备忘录在存户的帐户为劳务费或为被放置的检查返回了。Debit memorandums issued by the bank on a depositor's account for service charges or for deposited checks returned because of insufficient funds.

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如果我亲自做平常靠雇人来完成的任务,除了省下劳务费,还能省下利用这段工作时间外出娱乐所产生的费用。Even better, if I'm doing some task I'd normally pay someone else to do, in addition to saving that fee I'm not out spending money on entertainment.

体育赞助经费一般由直接赞助经费、体育赞助实施经费、中介机构劳务费和预后费用四种费用构成。The money of the sports sponsorship are including sponsor directly, actualization money, the reward origin from intermediary organs, budgeting money.

标准化竹基地建设面上工程按每亩30公斤肥料给予补助,示范工程每亩另外补助人工劳务费30元。Standardization on bamboo base construction engineering by 30 kg per Mu fertilizer subsidies, demonstration project grants manual labour of 30 yuan per MU.

只是在确定机构应税收入时,可以将境外劳务费从总设计收入中扣除,如果你们能提供资料证明的话。When calculating the taxable income, you can deduct the remuneration from oversea from the whole design income, if you can provide related proofs and materials.

显而易见,劳务费用差异的产生是由于实际工时不等于标准工时,而实际工资率也不等于标准工资率所致。It is clear that labour cost variance arises due to the actual hours differing from the standard hours and the actual wage rate differing from the standard wage rate.

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只是在确定机构应税收入时,可以将境外劳务费从总设计收入中扣除,如果你们能提供资料证明的话。The whole design income is considered as one obtained from china. If you provide the proofs to the design draft completed in Japan, this part of income can be deducted.

未经中国主管部门批准的技术转让合同,其所支付的费用不得作为技术转让费给予免税,而应按照一般劳务费适用有关税务处理规定。The related expenses incurred for the transfer of technology will not be qualified as tax deduction items unless the corresponding contract is approved by the relevant authorities.