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很明显,里根看不起风能。Evidently, Reagan despised wind power.

然而,大部分风能潜藏在高海拔区域。But most of this energy is at high altitude.

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安装风能设备需要200台透平。The wind installation would have 200 turbines.

索耶说,风能正得到日益广泛的应用。Use of wind power is on the rise, Sawyer said.

然而风能产业却在迅速发展。Nevertheless, the wind energy industry is booming.

在这方面,高空风能看来非常有前途。On that score, high-altitude wind looks very promising.

“风能和太阳能有很强的互补性,”雅格布森说。"Wind and solar are very complementary," Jacobson says.

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这就是利用太阳能和风能的限制性因素。That's the limiting factor for both sun and wind energy.

我认为我们要更多地利用风能、太阳能,还有潮汐能。I believe we need more wind and solar and maybe even wave.

该风能发电厂最初将归TGC和SERL共同所有。The wind farm will initially be jointly owned by TGC and SERL.

风能现在比核能要便宜,回报率更高。Wind energy is cheaper than nuclear today and has better EROEI.

三菱是最早在阿肯色州建立工厂的风能公司。The company is the latest wind-energy firm to set up shop in Arkansas.

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风力机是把风能转化成机械能的装置。This wind-driven generator can turn wind energy into mechanical energy.

来自北海及大西洋充足的风能需要人们架线传输。Wind power from the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean will require that.

然而,风能的拥护者坚称,游客与发电机可以和平共处。Yet advocates of wind insist that tourists and turbines can go together.

东部沿海的风能资源是陆上和海上风电场的首选。High winds on the eastern coast is prime for on and off-shore wind farms.

目前我们只生产了0.02太瓦的风能和0.008太瓦的太阳能。Yet currently we generate only 0.02 TW of wind power and 0.008 TW of solar.

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我国丰富的风能资源与风力扶持政策,促进着风力发电的应用与发展。The developing upsurge of wind power generation has rose in whole worldwide.

相比之下,替代能源风能和太阳能就显得不那么昂贵了。Wind- and solar-powered alternatives no longer look so costly by comparison.

根据世界风能协会数据,中国拥有全世界最大的风能市场规模。China has the largest wind market size of any country, according to the WWEA.