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他们狂欢通宵达旦。They reveled until dawn.

他发出了狂欢的喊叫。He gave an exultant shout.

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他发出狂欢的呼喊。He give an exultant shout.

准备好来乐汶堡狂欢三天了吗?Ready for 3 days of madness?

我们整夜狂欢。We were revelling all night.

这是多么大的狂欢啊!This is how big orgiastic ah!

我会狂欢的,相信我!I'm revelling baby, believe me!

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当他人仍在午夜狂欢时。While others their revels keep.

从现在起,狂欢开始了。From now on, the revelry starts.

狂欢活动于午夜结束。The revels broke up at midnight.

每个周末我们都曾彻夜狂欢。We had sleepovers every weekend.

来参加我们的狂欢。Come and join in the merrymaking.

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狂欢常常持续到黎明。The revels often last until dawn.

狂欢-来啊,狂欢,我们饿了。Come on, Razzmatazz , we're hungry.

孤单是一个人的狂欢。I'd love to, be fantabulous, alone.

在伦敦的酒吧里狂欢一整夜。Spend a night pub-hopping in London.

狂欢夜让我们一起狂欢!Happy Carnival Night! Let's Carnival!

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我父亲终止了那次狂欢宴会。The revelry was snubbed by my father.

圣诞节我们度过了一个狂欢之夜。We spent a riotous night at Christmas.

他停留在一座不知名的狂欢之城中。He stayed in an unknown city of revels.