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森林,包括乔木林和竹林。Forest includes arbor forest and bamboo forest.

森林,包括乔木林和竹林。Forests include arbor forests and bamboo forests.

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我竟然能想到竹林七贤。I thought of the seven sages of the bamboo grove.

第一天我们去了那里的一个大竹林。First day we have gone to a there big bamboo grove.

你想在画中描绘出一片竹林吗?Do you want to portray a bamboo grove in the picture?

“竹林七贤”之名大约起源于东晋时期,或称“竹林名士”。The name of Zhulin Qixian was named in East Jin Dynasty.

看那山,不算很高,竹林山来的。I checked the mountain, not too high, with bamboo forest.

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竹林是浦城县的一大资源优势。Bamboo is one of the resource advantages in Pucheng County.

王公坑村背竹林下休息一会。Having a rest in the bamboo forest behind Village Wang Gong Keng.

竹林里各种鸟儿在争鸣。All kinds of birds are calling to one another in the bamboo forest.

三日月以迅雷不及掩耳的速度穿越竹林。Mikazuki is traversing across the bamboo forest at lightning speed.

这里有一条长280米的“竹林长廊”,富有幽雅的浪漫情趣。There is also a 280-meter long "Bamboo Corridor", quiet and romantic.

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孤峰乡坐落在植被茂密的山里,满是冷杉和竹林。Gufeng sits among lush hills covered with dense fir and bamboo forests.

在“竹林深处”中第一次做为导演登场,感觉如何?Debut as a director through your MV "Bamboo Forest" how was that happen?

人工毛竹林具有优良的森林水文功能。The Moso bamboo plantation has an excellent forest hydrological function.

中国馆中发光的的枝条表现出一片竹林。The illuminated rods inside the China Pavilion represent a bamboo forest.

毛竹林土壤养分的结构性变异大于随机变异。The structure variance of soil nutrient is bigger than the random variance.

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这些竹林正在不断受到砍伐,已危及熊猫的生存。The bamboo forests are being cut down, which endangers the panda population.

对当前竹林管理,加工利用中存在问题进行了讨论。Some problems of bamboo management, processing and utilization were discussed.

冬笋藏在土层的下面,从竹林的表面上看什么也没有。The winter bamboo shoot hides in the earth, and is hard to find on the surface.