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但最近斗气有所下降。But I recently dropped the grudge.

两个就开始互不妥协的斗气。The two began to grudge and do not compromise.

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在斗气状态下可以经常使用极限技。You can use Limit Breaks more frequently under Aura.

他们都很斗气,但最终他们仍是包容了他方又和洽如初。They were very angry, but in the end they kissed and made up.

两个邻居夜以继日地斗气,斗了有40年。Two neighbors had been fighting each other for nigh on four decades.

斗气的作用是提升极限技出现的几率。Yes. Aura's purpose to increase the chance of receiving a Limit Break.

达尔生看他出去,脸上流露出迷惑不解的略有点斗气似的神情。Dalleson watched him with a puzzled and slightly belligerent expression.

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大选当前再起一场"斗气"战争只会让事情更加复杂。A renewed gas war on the eve of the election would just complicate matters.

小男女斗嘴斗气,有了一种别样的关系。Vindictive little men and women squabble, with a different kind of relationship.

龙腾大陆是个纯召唤的世界,无魔法无斗气。Dragon is a pure call of the mainland of the world, no magic without vindictiveness.

比如,一对男女本是恋人或者夫妻,当他们斗气分手以后,就都不好意思再重归于好了。For example, once a couple breaks up, they would feel reluctant to reconcile with each other.

跟好友闹别扭,常比与情人斗气,更来得火大。I absolutely understand your feeling. Because it's inevitable to quarrel with your best friend.

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文明驾驶、安全礼让,服从交通警察指挥,不开“斗气车”。Drive defensively and safely and comply with the commands of traffic police rather than drive aggressively.

俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司重新通过乌克兰开始向欧洲供气,使得一连几周的“斗气”风波有望结束。Russia's Gazprom has resumed gas supplies to Europe via Ukraine, raising hopes of an end to weeks of disruption.

阿基里斯一心一意要为朋友报仇,他不再与阿伽门农斗气。披上赫斐斯塔司为他赶制的新盔甲,他出征了。Bent on revenge , Achilles no longer fought with Agamemnon, and putting on his new armor made by Hephaestus, went out to avenge his friend.

阿基里斯一心一意要为朋友报仇,他不再与阿伽门农斗气。披上赫斐斯塔司为他赶制的新盔甲,他出征了。他杀死了海克特,拖着尸体绕特洛伊城跑了三圈。Bent on revenge, Achilles no longer fought with Agamemnon, and putting on his new armour made by Hephaestus, went out to avenge his friend.

他说“许多意外和危险交通状况都是由于司机斗气”,他希望这种音乐可以帮助减轻这种状况。He says that 'many accidents and dangerous traffic situations are due to aggressive drivers' and he hopes the music 'will help counter that'.

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当下属立心跟你斗气时,即使他堆满笑容,你都会知道他的居心,到时候才怪他未迟。Under the legislation with the heart when you act, even if he piles smile, you will know his intention, when he did not later than 100 points.

此次俄白天然气争端不免让人回想起2009年初的俄乌“斗气”,那年寒冬一些欧洲国家因此惨遭“断气”。The latest gas dispute is similar to the early 2009 row between Moscow and Kiev that left some European countries without fuel during a cold snap.

高登和陈泰相处的时间长,可以说是心意相通,两柄激光剑也几乎同时劈出两道黄色的斗气之光。Gordon and Chen Tai are together a long time, it may say they are interlinked , their two lasers sword at the same time divide two yellow fight Qi lights.