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我曾经侧面打听过。I have inquired about it.

我觉得你能打听能明白了。I think you get the idea.

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我就到昂坦街去打听。I went to the rued'Antin.

那个老太太喜欢打听闲事。The old lady has rabbit ears.

我要打听一下火车的运行时刻。I'll inquire about the trains.

请打听一下他住在哪里。Please find out where he lives.

我们不该打听他人的私事。We must respect others' privacies.

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我们不议论打听他人的阴私。We must respect others' privacies.

我们赶忙奔去打听消息。We ran hotfoot to find out the news.

然后他打听有关她的一切。Then he enquired everything about her.

他时常打听我的私事。He often pries into my private affairs.

他打听出在哪儿买水果便宜。He found out where to buy fruit cheaply.

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他平生的慰藉是探亲访友,打听消息。Her life's solace was visiting and news.

考期临近,一些学生想打听考试内容。I want to ask you about the examination.

我能从他的口中打听出事情的经过。I was able to drew his story out of him.

我建议你打听一下这份工作。I recommend that you inquire about the job.

她常常向我打听你的父亲的情况。She often inquires of me about your father.

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我要去打听一下票价。I'll inquire about the price of the tickets.

最近有人来打听阿历克斯吗?。Has anyone else been round asking about Alex?

他到医院去打听她的情况。He went to the hospital to inquire about her.