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而大豆的作用在哪里呢?So where does soy fit in?

日内瓦——有人怨大豆。GENEVA — Some blamed soybeans.

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豆腐是一种大豆蛋白质凝胶体。Tofu is a soybean-protein-gel.

大豆是豆料作物。Soybeans are leguminous plants.

大豆害虫,螟蛾科。Soybean pests, pest moth division.

过敏源可能是大豆,牛奶或者可可。Challengers may be soy, milk or cocoa.

无果油,面筋,大豆,燕麦或奶制品。No nut oils, gluten, soy, oat or dairy.

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大豆种子是正常性种子。Soybean seeds belong to Orthodox seeds.

过敏源可能是大豆,牛奶或者可可。IzChallengers may be soy, milk or cocoa.

非转基因大豆,我们的意思,身份保留。By non-GM soy we mean Identity Preserved.

最后,大豆的神话是需要被揭露的。Finally the soy myth needs to be exposed.

中国以前也面临这样的情形——大豆价格。China has been here before — with soybeans.

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已知大豆异黄酮为雌激素。Soy isoflavones are known to be estrogenic.

我种大豆、红豆和白豆。I grow soybeans, red beans, and white beans.

大豆的异黄酮含量很高。Soybeans contain high amounts of isoflavones.

我推荐乳清或者大豆蛋白奶昔。I recommend either whey or soy protein shakes.

那天下午,他正在收割一块大豆田。He was cutting a field of soybeans that afternoon.

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我用大豆蛋白粉,不过乳清也可以。I use soy protein powder, but whey works well too.

在蛋白质的世界里,大豆的名声一直不太好。In the world of protein, soy has gotten a bad rap.

豆渣是大豆加工中的主要副产物。Okara is the main byproduct of soybean processing.