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它们有很小的体腔。They possess a restricted coelom.

计数雌性个体体腔卵细胞。Oocytes of female coelom were counted.

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体腔液为乳白液体。The coelomic fluid is a milky white liquid.

这种缩小的体腔称为血腔。This reduced body cavity is called a hemocoel.

跑动时应先在马达壳体腔内注满液压油。Befor starting, fulfill the motors with hydraulic oil firstly.

目的观察玻璃体腔内注射曲安奈德对眼压的影响。Objective To evaluate the effect of intravitreal injection of 4.

草履虫是一款在小小的流体腔中的实时游戏。The Paramecia play in real time, ala Tron, in a tiny fluid chamber.

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渗出液中蛋白质含量较高,会导致体腔积液。Exudation of a protein-rich fluid into a cavity leads to a transudate.

其他可能会开始出现气体通过肺渗入体腔的情况。Others can begin to leak air through the lungs and into the body cavity.

把脏器移出之后,空空的体腔要用泡碱填满。After the removal of the inner organs, the body cavity was stuffed with natron.

膀胱是一软而薄之袋子在体腔中承接来自肾脏之尿液。Bladder is a soft and thin bag in the body that receives urine from the kidneys.

用手术刀剔除体腔里的有害细胞组织。Surgery to remove tissue or growths from a bodily cavity by scraping with a curette.

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但对体腔液核酸酶活性却未见报道。It hasn't been reported that the coelomic fluid of earthworm shows nuclease activity.

这种生物既非鱼类,又缺少脊椎,它只有一个体腔,或者也可称之为嘴巴。Not exactly a fish, and lacking a spine, this creature has a single body cavity or mouth.

而在其他癌症的患者身上,渗出的液体则可能会蓄积在体腔。In those with other types of cancer, the exuded fluid can also accumulate in body cavities.

描述了一种用于身体通道或体腔的内窥检查的内窥镜设备。An endoscopic apparatus for endoscopic examination of a body channel or cavity is described.

如果婴儿是个男孩,他的睾丸会开始从体腔消失进入阴囊。If your baby is a boy, his testes will begin to descend from the body cavity into the scrotum.

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刮除术用刮器把组织或肿瘤从体腔,如子宫中刮除注意,注意力集中。The removal of tissue or growths from a body cavity, such as the uterus, by scraping with a curette.

套针一种尖锐的外科手术器械,与套管一同使用刺穿体腔,作为液体引流的出口。A sharp-pointed surgical instrument used with a cannula to puncture a body cavity for fluid aspiration.

套针一种尖锐的外科手术器械,与套管一同使用刺穿体腔,作为液体。A sharp-pointed surgical instrument, used with a cannula to puncture a body cavity for fluid aspiration.