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他有三节课。He has three lessons.

本章分三节。This chapter divides three.

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此章共分三节。This chapter is divided three.

这一章有三节。This chapter has three sections.

星期二我们有三节课。We have three classes on Tuesday.

第三节过后火箭队以74-59领先。The Rockets led 74-59 after three.

他每天教三节课。He teaches three classes every day.

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上午我们有三节课。We have three lessons in the morning.

每天下午上三节课。They had three classes every afternoon.

下午我们有三节课。We have three classes in the afternoon.

在第三节比赛我再次扭到脚。I twisted it again in the third quarter.

本章共分为三节。This chapter divided into three sections.

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采用德国海福乐三节静音导轨或DTC导轨。Germany Hafele three mute rail or DTC rail.

你上周耽误了三节课。You were absent for three lessons last week.

第三节经文纪录亚伯拉罕终于回到伯特利。In verse 3, Abraham finally returns to Bethel.

我们通常在下午有三节课。In the afternoon we usually have three classes.

今天上午他上了三节课。He has been teaching three periods this morning.

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五龄时翅芽延伸至腹部第三节。The wing buds extend to 3 rd abdomen on 5 th instar.

这章全部都在谈爱,前三节讲到「爱」是信仰最重要的成份。This chapter is wholly devoted to the praise of love.

我将坐在机车后面的第三节车厢内。I'll be sitting in the third carriage from the engine.