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他坐起身来,睁大眼看。He sits up, eyes wide.

所以你起身回家去吧。As for you, go back home.

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撒母耳起身回拉玛去了。Samuel then went to Ramah.

他起身去拿纸。He rised to take the paper.

他站起身向她走来。He stood and walked to her.

他站起身,伸了伸懒腰。He rose and stretched himself.

不劳你起身。Don't trouble yourself to rise.

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押沙龙就起身,往希伯仑去了。So he arose, and went to Hebron.

顾娟突然起身走开。Gudrun rose sharply and went away.

我站起身,开玩笑地推了她一把。I got up and playfully pushed her.

以利亚就起身往撒勒法去。So he arose and went to Zarephath.

起身把水壶放上去。Stir yourself and put on a kettle.

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他坐起身,伸伸懒腰,打了个哈欠。He sat up and stretched and yawned.

崔二胯子起身告辞。Cui two Kua sons start leave-taking.

彼得就起身和他们同去。Then Peter arose and went with them.

亨利坐起身来,我也坐了起来。Of course.” Henry sits up, and Ido, too.

她站起身,从暖瓶倒了一杯水。She got up to fill a cup from a thermos.

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是胡安娜起身了,几乎没有声音。It was Juana arising, almost soundlessly.

母亲站起身,拎起她的毛线活儿来。The mother rises and picks up her knitting.

他立起身往来来往隔邻房间搬一张椅子。He rose to fetch a chair from the next room.