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你需要一个量筒测液体。Measure 23 Ml of water in a graduated cylinder.

量筒内注满待研究的泥浆。The cylinder is filled with the slurry to be studied.

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你需要一个量筒测液体。You will need a graduated cylinder for measuring liquids.

量筒是测定容积流量的基本方法之一。A metering tank is an elementary method of measuring volume flow.

我的电饭锅内胆里有水位线,另外还有一个量筒。My rice cooker has water lines on the tub as well as a measured cup to use.

介绍了实验室用量筒进行矿浆沉降试验的两种方法,分析比较了两种方法的优缺点。Two methods of settlement experiment of slurry in the measuring cylinder in the Lab are introduced.

将大约500亳升的河床物质倒进一个1000亳升的量筒里﹐再倒进清水直至混合物的容量到达1000亳升。Put 500 ml sediment into a 1000 ml measuring cyl inder. Fill in water until it reaches the 1000 ml mark.

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干粉吸入器能设置有或者不具有用于吸入器的单位计量筒。The dry powder inhaler can be provided with or without a unit dose cartridge for using with the inhaler.

该装置容易制造,并提供预先计量的单个计量筒,相对容易地使用并可再使用或者任意处置。The device is easy to manufacture, provides a pre-metered single unit dose, it is relatively easy to use, and can be reusable or disposable.

在接毛细管输出液体的量筒处加上光电计时,可使测量液体的流速的精确度提高。With the photoelectric timing at the graduated cylinder connected with the capillary tube, the flow measurement accuracy is greatly improved.

本实用新型属于测量器具,尤其涉及测量不规则固体体积的精密量筒。The utility model belongs to a measuring appliance, particularly relates to a precise graduated cylinder for measuring volume of irregular solid body.

本实用新型属于测量器具,尤其涉及测量不规则固体体积的精确量筒。The utility model belongs to a measuring appliance, in particular to a precision measuring cylinder used for measuring the volume of an irregular solid.

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多量筒钟罩气体标准计量器设计成复合型结构,能适应膜式煤气表等流量计的宽流量范围的检定。Multiple measure cylinder bell jar gas standard measurer with complex construction can meet the examination of wide flow rate range of diaphragm gas meters.

介绍了实验室用量筒进行矿浆沉降试验的两种方法,分析比较了两种方法的优缺点。Two methods of settlement experiment of slurry in the measuring cylinder in the Lab are introduced. The priority or shortcoming of the methods is discussed.

将100ml的吡啶至250ml的量筒中,使吡啶在冰浴中保持冷,加干燥的二氧化硫直至体积达到200ml。Place 100 mL of pyridine in a 250-mL graduated cylinder , and, keeping the pyridine cold in an ice bath, pass in dry sulfur dioxide until the volume reaches 200 mL.

实验中会有一些误差,因为想让装满水的量筒里面没有气泡是不可能的。There will be some error during the experiment because it is impossible to let the tank without any bubble. You can try more times to let the bubble as less as possible.