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他整天作画或读书。He painted or read all day.

你可以用粉彩笔作画。You can draw in colored chalks.

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她开始以作画自遣。She took up painting to kill time.

那个画家用水彩作画。The artist painted in water colors.

烟花巷陌中,隐约可见丹青作画的屏风。The fireworks lanes, to Dan barrier.

那模特儿赤身露体摆好姿势让画家作画。The model posed in the nude for the painter.

开始作画前我会在脑中回想,让思绪放飞。And before I start painting I reflect, I dream.

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我看到人们在跳舞,在作画。I saw people, you know, dancing, doing paintings,

有时我喜欢全心全意作画。Occassionally, I like to lose myself in painting.

她极富创造力,既赋诗又作画。She's very creative—she writes poetry and paints.

编织紧密的布最适合作画。Fabrics with a close weave are ideal for painting.

她在办公室左方的画室作画。She paints in her studio to the left of this space.

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应邀去钓鱼台国宾馆作画。He was invited to paint at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

我问博佐在马路上作画能挣多少钱,他说I asked Bozo what one could earn at screeving. He said

把枪对着我的脑袋,用我的脑浆在墙上作画吧。Put a gun to my head and paint the wall with my brains.

这时,周昉依照最后的草图,挥笔作画。Then Zhou Fang started to paint based on the last draft.

长年俯地作画,令他双手布满老茧。For years, he prone paint and his hands full of callosity.

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在潮湿的石膏表面上直接作画。A technique of painting directly on a wet, plaster surface.

诸景传说众多,常有著名的画家专程来此览胜作画。Famous painters usually go there on special trip for drawing.

这就是为什么他能够带着怀疑主义的态度作画,却又具有如此的确信。This is why he could paint so sceptically with such certitude.