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这两个人同舟共济。The two men clubbed together.

团队工作所需要的是“同舟共济”的态度。Teaming requires a "we're in this together" attitude.

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我们在战争年代同舟共济的兄弟情谊是史无前例的。Our comradeship and our brotherhood in war were unexampled.

那麽我们携手同心,用我们同舟共济的双手。Then we hand in hand together, with our solidarity of hands.

魏东篱向韩志杰保证做到,两个兄弟和好,将亲如一家,同舟共济。BDBD hedge assure Jeff han, two brothers and good, will be felt, in the same boat.

在困难和挑战面前,中国始终与东盟同舟共济。China always stands side by side with ASEAN in times of difficulties and challenges.

只有加强合作,携手努力,同舟共济,才能有效应对危机。Only with closer cooperation and mutual help, can we successfully manage the crisis.

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我们的口号培育孩子“同舟共济,爱人如己”的品格精神!Our slogan foster children "solidarity, love your neighbor as yourself" character spirit!

中国政府和人民将坚定地与你们站在一起,同舟共济,共克时艰!The Chinese government and people will stand firm with you in getting through the tough times.

除非世界各国能够同舟共济,否则无法有效处理上述议题。The countries of the world will never deal effectively with this agenda unless they cooperate.

众所周知,我是一个老海军飞行员,我知道当危机来临的时候,所有的人务必同舟共济。As most of you know, I am an old Navy pilot and I know when a crisis calls for all hands on deck.

同舟共济,携手未来,华泰为您好制造更多的成功机会!We are in the same condition and we hope we can help each other, we can afford more successful chance for you!

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重回黉舍学习不但可以赞助你奇迹得到进步,也可让你有机会结识同舟共济的人。Going back to school can help you advance your career and give you a chance to interact with like-minded people.

中国政府和人民将坚定地与你们站在一起,同舟共济、共克时艰。The Chinese government and people will firmly stand with the Pakistani government and people through difficulties.

我从来都没有什么二心,因为我们总相处得非常融洽,我们同舟共济走过了许多风风雨雨的日子,我们一起努力过上了美满幸福的生活。I have never had second thoughts, because we have always been good together, through worse and bad and good and great.

显而易见,这使用上的增长很大一部分要归功于与其同舟共济的苹果电脑的热卖。Much of that increase in usage is apparently due to soaring sales of Apple Mac computers, which ship with the browser.

应对这一挑战,需要国际社会同舟共济、齐心协力。To counter this challenge requires the whole-hearted cooperation and coordinated actions of the international community.

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两国应该同舟共济,共克时艰,友好合作,共谋发展。The two countries should help each other to overcome difficulties, strengthen friendly cooperation and seek common development.

正如胡锦涛主席在伦敦金融峰会上指出的,只有同舟共济,才能顺利抵达彼岸。As the Chinese President remarked at the London summit, only by working together, can we steer the boat to its desired destination.

这一系列T恤的卖点是明星的鼓励赠言,比如奥兰多•布鲁姆的“我们同舟共济,共克难关”。The T-shirts feature words of encouragement from the celebrities, such as “Through Struggle We Unite and Overcome” from Orlando Bloom.