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我们十点半睡觉。We go to bed at.

在飞机上睡觉。Sleep on the plane.

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去睡觉,阿菲。Go to sleep, Figaro.

别闹了!我要睡觉了。I'm trying to sleep.

你睡觉太熟了。You slept like a log.

他最好去睡觉。He d better go to bed.

他睡觉时常说梦话。He talks in his sleep.

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我很怕睡觉。I was afraid to sleep.

少刷手机多睡觉!Twit Less, Sleep More!

你和她睡觉了吗?Did you sleep with her?

魔鬼从不睡觉。The devil never sleeps.

你们都有好地方睡觉。You all have good beds.

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“哦……我跟乔尔。比利睡觉了”。I slept with Billy Joel.

现在是上床睡觉的时间。It is tiam to go to bed.

还是每晚穿着它睡觉?Sleep in it every night?

那些女人们都去睡觉了。The women went to sleep.

他曾经多么不愿意睡觉!How he had grudged sleep!

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还有巨蛇,在棕?树中睡觉。It sleeps in a palm tree.

睡觉,和洋子还是和弥娜?Sleep, with yoko or Mina?

哎呦,她还和他睡觉呢!Why, she sleeps with him!