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呼气,右脚内收脚外缘落地。Exhale, right foot in and outer edge down.

迎香穴在鼻翼外缘中点。The midpoint of the alar rim Yingxiang point.

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后翅淡灰色,外缘色泽较浓。Wings weak gray, outside after color is strong.

噢,前脚慢慢走到外缘来,这个动作是要有基础的。Oh – the front foot is rolling on to the outside edge.

船坞外缘贴着一圈旧轮胎,用来保护进坞的船只。Old tires line the floating dock to protect the boats.

透过淡淡的外缘螺旋腕可以看见背景星系。Background galaxies are visible through the faint outer arms.

滚轮直径203毫米,宽50毫米,具有20毫米厚的橡胶外缘。Rolling wheel dia. 203 mm, width 50 mm with 20 mm rubber layer.

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那位伐木工人在森林的外缘有一间小屋。The woodcutter had a little house on the fringes of the forest.

在外缘引上一条通了电的电线。An electrified wire can be strung along the outer edges of this flange.

眉峰应当在眼睛平视时,你眼眸外缘的上方。While in the eye when eyebrow peak shall, on the top of the outer eyes.

NASA的旅行者1号已到达太阳系外缘。NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has reached the outside edge of the solar system.

也许,它是位在我们太阳系外缘的某个未知尘埃云。Perhaps it is some unknown cloud of dust on the outskirts of our solar system.

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随着气温升高,沙哈拉等干旱地区正从外缘开始逐渐变绿。As temperatures rise, the Sahara and other dry areas are greening on the edges.

东西可分为东部滑脱带、中部锋带和西部外缘带。There are eastern detachment zone, frontal zone and out—edge zone in E—W direction.

成虫体长约16毫米,全体黄色,前翅外缘有一扁形褐色斜纹。Adult length about 16 mm, all yellow, a flat look before the outer wing brown tweed.

远郊区及其外缘为资源密集型制造业类型区。The outer suburbs and its outer edge are district in resource-intensive manufacturing.

请注意,纹波对边外缘的光碟是从录音的优势,围绕轮胎。Note that the ripple on the outer edge of the disc is from the taped edges around the tire.

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这一团棉花糖的外缘很快就拉成了铁砧的尖,展现出了其昏暗的本色。Soon the marshmallow rims flatten to anvil tops, and the clouds reveal their darker nature.

再用唇线笔描画出嘴唇的轮廓,可以适当地把嘴唇的范围扩大,嘴唇的外缘也是可以描绘的哦。Next, line your lips with a lip pencil. Properly enlarge the lips and redefine the outer edges.

处于风暴的外缘的塔希提岛是人口最稠密的岛屿,位于图片中的右上方。Tahiti, the most populous of the islands, is under the outer edge of the storm in the upper right.