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新娘穿着雪白的礼服。The bride was attired in white.

但是并非所有的雪都是雪白的。But all snow is not so snow-white.

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浪峰撞击着迸出花朵似的雪白的浪花。Waves broke white into the flowers.

我的脸儿光亮,我的牙齿雪白。My face is bright, my teeth all white.

他的黑色裘皮大衣是雪白色。His black fur coat was white with snow.

雪白的花朵,祝你开放成长。Blos-som of snow, may you bloom and grow.

我见过粉、红、雪白的玫瑰I have seen roses damask'd, red and white

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她的肉体,在那一团雪白的进犯下。And how can body, laid in that white rush.

还把他雪白的衬衫溅湿了一大块。He also splashed white shirt wet one chunk.

天空用雪白的云腹徐徐匍匐而行。The sky crawled on a white belly of clouds.

那红似珊瑚的唇吻,雪白而含涡的下颏。Her coral lips, her snow-white dimpled chin.

那雪白雪白的雪真像米粒一样。The Snow White snow is like a grain of rice.

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雪白的船尾上黑黄两色的船名A name on the stern in black-and-gold on white

小女孩可以看到房间的东西,桌上铺着雪白的台布,上面放着精致的瓷碟,还有填满梅子和苹果、冒着热气、香喷喷的烤鹅。The little girl could see into the room within.

山上的树木,房子,地面,到处一片雪白。The trees, the house, on the ground, snow-white.

蓝莹莹的天空陪衬着雪白的云,煞是好看。In the blue sky there are many white clouds. So nice!

玛丽有只小羊羔,啊缜雪白小羊羔。Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow.

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他盯着那片雪白的墙,泪流满面。Gazing at the snowwhite wall, he can't help his tears.

正是这种情况,让雪白色的外观。It is this light that gives snow its white appearance.

在这些树下面,坐着一个雪白长发的老妇人。Under this tree sat an old woman with long white hair.