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她拖欠房租。She is behind with her rent.

该公司拖欠了一笔债务。The firm has defaulted on a debt.

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拖欠和取消赎回抵押品权的比例开始上升。Delinquency and foreclosure rates rose.

他拖欠了六个星期的租金。He is six week In arrear with his rent.

他拖欠了六个星期的租金。He is six weeks in arrear with his rent.

主权国拖欠债务也绝非天方夜谭。Sovereign default is far from inconceivable.

撇帐及拖欠情况仍然偏低。Charge- offs and delinquencies are still low.

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拖欠银行债务的借方也不同。The banks’ troubled debtors are also different.

他们催讨拖欠的工钱。They are urgent for payment of arrears of wages.

但是至少房屋贷款拖欠率的上升率正在逐渐好转。But at least the second derivative is getting better.

未拖欠应缴还的财政性资金。It has not delayed to pay the payable financial funds.

哦,我以前的老板也是,经常拖欠工资。Well. My former manager was often in arrears of wages.

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最普遍的抱怨之一是拖欠工资。One of commonest complaints is the failure to pay wages.

随意解雇、拖欠工资的现象仍很普遍。Random dismiss and wage arrears phenomenon is prevalent.

索款信的一种形式是拖欠债务催告信。One form of collection letter is a letter of delinquency.

你要是拖欠房租,就得请你走人。If you get behind with the rent,you will be asked to leave.

假如你认为没有人关心你,试试拖欠一下应付款。If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

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里约州的雇员和退休人员被拖欠了工资和养老金。Rio state employees and pensioners are owed wages in arrears.

在费尔德斯坦的提议下,政府将如何处理贷款的拖欠问题呢?Under Feldstein’s plan how would the government handle default?

葡萄种植户拖欠税酒是要支付利息的。Grape planters must pay interest for delaying paying up wine tax.