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我相信卡尔的孝心和实力。I believe his filial piety and ability.

孝心少年的故事让我们动容落泪。The filial piety youth story made us cry.

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凯瑟琳由于出于孝心而有所顾虑,这我们应当尊重。We'll respect Catherine's filial scruples.

你爸可能是不行了,你这回来就紧着尽点孝心,以后没机会了。Do more as you can. No more chance in the future.

住院是要花钱的,没钱是无法尽孝心,有点钱就要尽孝心才行。Money is not everything, but no one can do without it.

念你一片孝心,就买就到华府做工。Since you are so kind, buy you to Wal fu as a workman.

现在,你该怎样把自己对父亲的孝心转化成为实际行动呢?Now, how can you turn them into father-honoring actions?

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看着这样的报导,面对这样有孝心的孩子,你有什么感想呢?At such reports, face with filial piety child, what is your feeling?

为人子应知孝敬,孝心是一朵不败的花。For the son of man should know filial piety, is an undefeated flower.

下面有些小提示可以帮你在母亲节尽表孝心。Here are some suggestions of things to get your mom for Mother's day.

生老病死,自然规律!不要太伤悲,你的孝心他会感应得到的!The birth and death, the nature! Do not be too sad, your filial piety he will feel!

我作为父亲的女儿,给父亲尽一点孝心也是理所当然的事情。As my father's daughter, to do something his father is also a natural thing filial piety.

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我们应该鼓励她这份孝心,同时也不应允许那一类的事情发生。We should encourage her filial piety . Meanwhile, we should not allow that kind of things.

正是马先生他母亲的坚持以及马先生的孝心,才让他获得了这一份巨额的奖金。It was his mother's insistence and Ma Ma filial piety, let him get that this is a huge bonus.

他们的孝心旅程已有中央及省、市70多家媒体先后报道了他们的事迹。Their trip of filial piety was reported by more than 70 Medias from city, province and central China.

同时我也希望你们尊敬父母的孝心不会改变,你们依然是好儿子,好女儿。And I also hope you respect my parents filial piety is not changed, you are still a good son, a good daughter.

这种孝心的实践,不仅是须要耐心、勇气和毅力,同时也须要智慧。In order to practice filial piety, we must have not only patience, courage, and determination, but also wisdom.

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烧副纸麻将,以免先人在黄泉下无聊,是子孙最后的孝心。Cremating a paper mahjongg set for one's ancestors' amusement in the other world is a final act of filial piety.

爱国主义深深扎根于人的本能和感情之中。爱国之情则是放大了的孝心。Patriotism is deeply rooted in the instincts and emotions of human being. Patriotism is magnified by the filial piety.

因此,有一套合适的护理系统帮助老年人生活自理,减轻家庭负担,是儿女们的孝心,也是老人的心愿。So a suit of tools which can help man to realize self-dependence and can lighten family's pressure were everyone's wish.