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死神在敲门,接近死亡。He banged at the door.

进来前先敲门。Knock before you enter.

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弗罗多,有人在敲门。Frodo! Someone at the door.

我没有敲门就进去了。I entered without knocking.

我猜想着谁在敲门。I wondered who was knocking.

他用力的敲了敲门。He knocked firmly on the door.

邮差敲门咚咚咚。You can hear the postman knock.

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而我却一直在期待它来敲门!But I was expecting it to knock!

敲门,门就会被打开。Knock, and the door will be opened.

贿赂毋须敲门然而入。A bribe will enter without knocking.

她猛敲门,没有回应。She knocks on the door. No response.

当他敲门时,门晃了一下开了。As he knocked, it swung farther open.

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在我敲门后,西莉亚开门欢迎我道。Celia said, when she answered my knock.

我手脚发软地敲了敲门,然后开了门。I knock limply on the door and open it.

我大声敲门,齐拉把我让了进去。I knocked loudly, and Zillah let me in.

听,有人在敲门。Listen,somebody is beating at the door.

我上前敲了敲门,汉纳打开了门。I knocked at the door. Hannah opened it.

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应该先敲门,然后等待进入的邀请。Knock first, then wait to be invited in.

魔鬼敲门慎莫开,开门必有灾祸来。Open not your door when the devil knock.

不要用力敲门,这是不礼貌的。Don't pound on the door , it's not genty.