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一部自命不凡的杂凑,不可能真正成功。A portentous soufflé that never truly rises.

他是一个有才华但自命不凡的作家。He is talented , and venturesome, and resolute.

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自命不凡的埃迪需要钱买把新吉他。Hotshot Eddie needed money to buy a new guitar.

我厌倦了他在我面前自命不凡的态度。Im tired of his holier than thou attitude toward me.

聪明又漂亮的女孩自命不凡。The smart and charming women are self-glorification.

她的自负诱使她相信是自命不凡的。Her conceit deluded her into believing she was important.

自命不凡的李医师,觉得一些病人无知和愚蠢。A snobby person, Dr. Lee thinks some patients ignorant and stupid.

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所以,真正取得胜利的还是他那八面玲珑自命不凡的内弟。So the real victory was still with his smooth, smug brother-in-law.

肯尼迪用自我拆台的自命不凡来对付愤怒的烈火。Kennedy handled the firestorm of outrage with self-defeating smugness.

她是如此自命不凡,以致听不得别人的任何忠告。She was so self-conceited that she was averse to all advice from others.

有时我甚至与他们争吵和做一些自命不凡。Sometimes I even quarrel with them and do something which displeases them.

“出于怪癖和自命不凡,他纵容着这个可怜的女孩的贪欲”。He was pampering the poor girls's lust for singularity and self-glorification"."

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我不想说的自命不凡,但是,它使雕塑几乎活了起来。I don't want to sound pretentious, but it makes the sculpture seem almost alive.

我们喜欢看见米奇教训那些自命不凡的角色。We like seeing Mickey teaching the snootier characters some gritty life lessons.

他那么自命不凡,我希望他在本党初选里输给那个喜欢我的满是纹身的家伙。He's a prig and I wish he had lost his primary to that tattooed guy who likes me.

我姐姐自从得到那份有很多人申请的新工作之后就趾高气昂,自命不凡。My sister has had a big head since she got the new job that many people had applied for.

我需要从医学院甚至中学的经历中看出我正变得自命不凡起来。I needed pharmacy school and even high school to show me that I was getting "big-headed."

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几年前我在一家刚开业的饭店工作,那里的人很是自命不凡。A fledgling restaurant I worked for many years ago liked to think it was fancier than it was.

对于生意场上的人来说,艺术家就是一群自命不凡的废物。Many businesspeople, for their part, assume that artists are a bunch of pretentious wastrels.

你会找到洋洋自得的小胡子、自命不凡的眼镜男以及一堆个性迥异的人。You'll find preened moustaches, pretentious glasses, a range of characters and personalities.