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别太凶猛地拦截我。Don't tackle me too hard.

她凶猛地向他扑来。She rushed fiercely toward him.

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她疯狂而凶猛地厮打著。She fought with crazed ferocity.

娇虎,你要更凶猛。Tigress, you need more ferocity.

貂熊是一种小型,凶猛的哺乳动物。A wolverine is a small, fierce mammal.

那畜生很凶猛,而且只喂得半饱。The beast was savage and half-starved.

它非常凶猛地攻击猎物。It attacks its prey with great ferocity.

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凶猛地攻击猎物。It attacks its prey with great ferocity.

公主认为,龙都是很凶猛的。The princess thought dragons were fierce.

往崖底望去,原来有一只凶猛的狮子正抬头看着他。When he looks down, there's a savage lion.

一阵凶猛的雷雨后,紧接着下起了冰雹。Hail came on top of a violent thunderstorm.

一只黄蜂凶猛地向我冲来。A yellow-jacket rushed forcefully in my way.

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流行性感冒来得异常凶猛。The grippe hit unusually severely that year.

抗击他的敌人,一个可怕而凶猛的恶魔。Upon his foe, a Dragon horrible and stearne.

虎豹都是凶猛的野兽。Both tigers and leopards are ferocious beasts.

“它是条凶猛的狗,那个斯皮兹,”佩罗特说。"He's a wild dog, that Spitz, " said Perrault.

他更加凶猛的酗酒,这现实他慢慢变得绝望。He drinks more. So, he's getting very desperate.

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虎豹都是凶猛的野兽。The oncoming force of the typhoon was ferocious.

你心中的鹰是否足够强大,去挑战那庞大凶猛的熊?Is the eagle strong enough to challenge the bear?

一个胆小而温顺,另一个则胆大而凶猛。One shy and gentle and the other bold and fierce.