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这就好比他一丝不挂的坦露在我面前,而我却是隐形的。He was naked. I was not.

“如何向明月坦露心声”与“我本将心向明月”意境不同。How I'd lay bare my heart to the moon bright!

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可通过坦露缺点来建立协作与凝聚人心。Build collaboration and solidarity by revealing your weaknesses.

我莫名其妙的在失望、困惑和真实坦露的情感中都发现了上帝的身影。Somehow he is found in the disappointment, the confusion, and the raw emotions.

凯瑟琳接受了埃德加的求婚并跟艾伦坦露心迹。Heathcliff runs away Catherine accepts Edgar's proposal and pours out her heart to Ellen.

这些形容词都指随意而诚实地坦露或倾向于坦露思想。These adjectives mean revealing or disposed to reveal one's thoughts freely and honestly.

随着圣诞节临近,芭丝谢芭更加忧虑起来,于是有一天,她向盖伯瑞尔坦露了她的难处。As Christmas came nearer, Bathsheba became more anxious, and one day she confessed her difficulty to Gabriel.

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可是在丫头面前,我会一下子把心打开,把一个真实的我,那么彻底的,那么毫不顾忌的坦露给丫头。But in front of the girl, I will put the heart opens, a real me, so completely, so unaware of revealing to the girl.

婚礼上,梅拉尼头戴传统面纱、脚踩白色高跟鞋,胸部完全坦露,唯独私密部位用裸色皮带遮住。Melanie wore a traditional veil and white high heels. Her breasts were exposed but a flesh-colored thong covered her nether-regions.

“坦露着胸膛的马多夫在监狱里参加美国印第安人的宗教净化仪式来打发时间”。That 'a bare-chested Bernie has been killing time at the prison participating in Native American religious purification ceremonies.'

调查人员希望她能坦露于六月份失踪的三岁的Caylee的失踪原委。There is hope that Casey Anthony will now open up to investigators about what happened to three-year-old Caylee who vanished in June.

布郎先生是一位具有美国情节的欧盟怀疑论者。目前他很少坦露超出他上述立场的外交主张。Mr Brown has so far given few clues about his beliefs in foreign policy beyond the fact that he is a Eurosceptic well-disposed to America.

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让你的孩子尽情表达出自己的感受,说出他们真正需要的,很快他们就会更容易向你坦露他们的真情了,对你的依赖也会减少。Let your child express how they feel and what they actually need and they will soon start to confide in you more and needing you less and less.

我们一边舞蹈,一边胸乳都坦露了出来,Satya-tapa便诅咒我们说,‘你俩都滚去变成恒河岸边的果树。As we danced, our breasts became visible, and Satya-tapa cursed us , saying, 'You both go and become fruit trees on the bank of the river Ganga.

能在办公室拥有真心朋友固然好,但你也要清楚,给同事坦露心迹的时候,你也是在放心的把工作上的事交给他们。Having true friends at the office can be wonderful, but be aware that when you share personal information with a coworker, you're trusting your job to them.

我经常会去核实自己对问题的回答是否让他们感到满意,并鼓励他们坦露任何有所保留的想法。I'll often probe to make sure that I've answered questions to their satisfaction and encourage them to be forthcoming about any reservations they might have.

可我却勇于坦露自己的内心,人就是这样,不要说伟大,每一分行动后面,都有着不同的动机。But I dare Tanzania to reveal own innermost feelings, the human am actually this, do not have to say greatly, behind each minute motion, all has the different motive.

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但是,他对女性的同情和赞美,是站在男性立场上进行的,女性悲剧被渲染成了男性梦想的神话,展示的是男权文化对女性的审美理想,坦露的是男性自我关照的心路历程。Female tragedy is exaggerate as the myth of male dreams, manifests aesthetic ideal for females by male-dominated culture and expresses the males mentality of self-care.

娄省三来跟余百合道别,百合为他做了一桌丰盛的美食,百合善解人意的开导他,两个真性情的人坦露着自己的打算。With more than three province Lou Lily Lily say goodbye, do a sumptuous delicacy for him, Lily understanding to enlighten him, two of the people who truly shows his own plans.

能在办公室拥有真心朋友固然好,但你也要清楚,给同事坦露心迹的时候,你也是在放心的把工作上的事交给他们。Again, use your gut. Having true friends at the office can be wonderful, but be aware that when you share personal information with a coworker, you’re trusting your job to them.