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这些活力四射的鞋子会给小黑裙带来点睛之效。These sassy shoes will enliven little black dresses.

他总是批评印度的裙带资本主义,这使得他的选择有限。He is a critic of crony capitalism in India, which limits his options.

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“裙带资本主义”这个词虽然形象,但最好还是不要提及。The phrase “crony capitalism” can be used, but it’s best to leave it at that.

雪绒似的玉兔在她飘逸的裙带下蹦着跳着。Snow in her elegant velvet-like rabbit jumped forward to jumping under the nepotism.

处理这一问题的主要方式仍然是培植萨利赫、他的家族、以及他的裙带范围势力。These concerns are still addressed primarily by cultivating Mr. Saleh, his family and cronies.

鳕鱼玉米饼,裙带牛排苦柯叶还有新鲜的香炸马铃薯将使得整个旅程丰满充实。The cod fish arepas, skirt steak cocas and fresh patatas bravas will round out that visit quite well.

维基解密获得的文电,为奢侈消费、凶猛裙带和社会极端对立提供了逼真的说明。Cables obtained by WikiLeaks offer a vivid account of lavish spending, rampant nepotism and bitter rivalries.

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与贪污腐败以及印尼臭名昭著的“裙带资本主义”作斗争,也成为尤多约诺议事日程中重要的部分。Combating corruption and Indonesia'sreputation for "crony capitalism" has also been high on the agendafor Yudhoyono.

与贪污腐败以及印尼臭名昭著的“裙带资本主义”作斗争,也成为尤多约诺议事日程中重要的部分。Combating corruption and Indonesia's reputation for "crony capitalism" has also been high on the agenda for Yudhoyono.

负责监督河堤的地区委员会,以前一直是一个裙带俱乐部,现在已重组并实现专业化。The regional boards overseeing the river levees, once a patronage playpen, have been restructured and professionalised.

2009年,一位中国新娘出嫁时,礼服的裙带长超过1.2米,用9,999朵丝绸玫瑰装饰.In 2009 one Chinese bride got married in a dress with a train more than 1.2 miles long, decorated with 9,999 silk roses.

2009年,一位中国新娘出嫁时,礼服的裙带长超过1.2米,用9,999朵丝绸玫瑰装饰.In 2009 one Chinese bride got married in a dress with a train more than 1.2 miles long, decorated with 9, 999 silk roses.

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埃及需要重新开始,然后改革其经济以剔除穆巴拉克的裙带资本主义,建立一个真正的自由市场。Egypt will need help restarting and then reforming its economy to move from Mr. Mubarak's crony capitalism to a true free market.

尽管托尼·鲍尔斯的这一款礼服看上去并不那么“魅惑”,但是镶满宝石的颈带以及皇室高腰裙带还是深得我的喜爱。Though the "sultry" look isn't quite working for this model, I love the jeweled neckband and empire waistline on this Tony Bowls gown.

从裙带资本主义者到外国货币操控者,这种危机从来都不乏替罪羊,而技术日渐成为千夫所指。Scapegoats, from crony capitalists to foreign-currency manipulators, are in no short supply, but technology is increasingly fingered as a culprit.

埃及滋生的是裙带资本主义,特别是过去的十年里。"Crony capitalism has grown up in Egypt, particularly in the past decade," says Michael Hanna, who is in Cairo for the U.S.-based Century Foundation.

他怨恨企业巨头及贪腐官员劫持了经济,操纵改革向他们有利的方向进行,他将这种体系称之为裙带资本主义。He complains that business tycoons and corrupt officials have hijacked the economy and manipulated it for their own ends, a system he calls crony capitalism.

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此现象尤其集中体现在环市东以及天河北地段,过去货比三家现象明显减少,更出现裙带式、集团式现象。This phenomenon is particularly concentrated in East and Central City Lot days Hebei, a noticeable reduction in the past're more of a practice, syndicated phenomenon.

在突尼斯等国,一些臭名昭著的裙带资本主义的典型代表与政变者有矛盾,但实际操作上还是老样子。In a few Arab countries, like Tunisia, some notorious personifications of crony capitalism have fallen foul of political change but the practice has by no means ended.

但中国自由经济学家担心,国有商业银行和国有裙带企业将瓜分战利品,而把中小型民营企业晾在一旁。But liberal economists in China fret that state-owned banks and their SOE cronies will carve up the spoils, leaving small and medium private enterprises by the wayside.