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在吉拉头盖骨的颅顶骨的区域有个伤口。A cranial trauma with a wound in the parietal region.

那个外科医生将刀刃穿过左顶骨区域插入到大脑中。The surgeon introduced a knife blade into the brain through the left parietal region.

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这里看到的是位于左后顶骨区域的一团不规则,扭曲的血管。Seen here is a mass of irregular, tortuous vessels over the left posterior parietal region.

一位八十岁男性以左侧头顶骨有一软性结节为表现而入院检查。An 80-year-old man presented with a soft nodule in the left parietal calvarium and was admitted to our hospital.

目的探讨骨形态发生蛋白与人颅顶骨发生及发育的关系。Objective To explore tile relationship between bone morphogenetic protein and development of fetal cranial bones.

我们报告一个八岁正常血脂之男童,经病理确定诊断罹患顶骨黄斑瘤。In this paper, we present an 8-year-old normolipidemic male child with a parietal bone xanthoma proved using tissue diagnosis.

最常见于额骨和顶骨,眶骨和上颌骨很少受累。These are most frequently seen in the frontal and parietal bones with the orbital and maxillofacial bones infrequently involved.

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南京2号人类头骨化石仅保留部分的额骨、顶骨、枕骨和颞骨,为一不完整的颅盖骨。The Nanjing 2 calvarium is believed to represent Homo sapiens erectus since its discovery in 1993. This calvarium preserves incomplete frontal, parietal, and occipital bones.

然后他们会转换到另一个叫做颞部顶骨连接部位的系统,在那里他们会在整个大脑电路里展开式搜索,来寻找解决问题的方法。Then they switch into another system called the temporal parietal junction system, which allows them to start -searching their entire brain circuit for ways to fix the problem.

严重者孩子在新生儿期即可出现囟门非凡大,因为两顶骨未合拢而前囟门的后角与后囟门通连。Serious person the child is in new student period can appear Xin door is particularly big, did not fold because of two parietal bone and before of Xin door hind horn and hind Xin door be connected to.