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我知道你外向性。I know you extroversion.

因为我们是外向者。Because we’re extroverts.

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他非常的外向。He's exuberantly extroverted.

我的姐姐是个外向的人。My sister is an out-going person.

她性格很外向。She has an out-going personality.

不含蓄,更外向。Less introverted, more extroverted.

我既不内向也不外向。I'm neither introverted nor extroverted.

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颖贤是一个有干劲和外向的学生。Iris is an energetic and outgoing student.

西方文化中更推崇性格外向的人。Western culture seems to favor extroverts.

她性格外向,充满魅力,让每个人都很自在。Her out-going charm puts everybody at ease.

剪枝时应修剪到健康、外向生长的花芽上方。Always prune to a healthy, outward-facing bud.

也许这些人都是外向、自由思考者。Maybe they're all extroverts and free-thinkers.

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他以前性格沉默少言,但是他现在很外向。He used to be quiet, but now he is very outgoing.

足球青少年运动员的外向,忍耐性强。Soccer young athletes outward , strong tolerance.

而你的工作要求你看起来可爱、外向并且自信。Your job is to look likeable, open and confident.

你觉得你的个性是倾于外向,还是内向?I am an outdoor person with an inward personality.

你的生活环境应当外向些。The circumstances of your life suggest extroversion.

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总的说来,我是一个外向、诚实而随和的人。Generally speaking, I am open, honest and easy-going.

外向的女人肥胖的几率是内向的女人的1.53倍。Extrovert women were 1.53 times as likely to be obese.

外向而且是「P」意指你是个判断者或是直觉者。Extroverted and "P" means you are a senser or intuiter.