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现在意义大不大?Now meaning big?

生命意义的阙如。Of life meaning.

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在某种意义上说,不重要。In one sense, no.

柒系——爱的意义!The meaning of love!

这故事没有意义。This is a non-story.

梦具有象征意义。Dreams had symbolism.

梦有意义吗?Do dreams have meaning?

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葬礼意义重大Burial is very critical.

一种鼓励的意义。A sense of encouragement.

爱是个意义深远的字。Love is very loaded word.

今天,这一真理仍然具有现实意义。That truth endures today.

有意义的最低的温度。That's the absolute zero.

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这个乘积是有意义的。This product makes sense.

“义”呢就是指意义。Yi" refers to a meaning."

这也是没有意义,无法回答的。Impossible to answer also.

避免无意义的沉思。Avoid meaningless brooding.

不过其中的意义不仅于此。But there's more than that.

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每一朵花都有其特别的意义。Every flower has a meaning.

神认为这是有意义的。God thinks it's meaningful.

我想我邃晓的意义了。I guess Isee what you mean.