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杰米赶忙去弄点牛奶。Jaimie hurried to get some milk.

下课后黄振就赶忙回家了。Huang Zhen hurried home after class.

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我们赶忙奔去打听消息。We ran hotfoot to find out the news.

她赶忙解释这个情况。She hastened to explain the situation.

我们赶忙连声道歉,他的脸色很快就转阴为晴了。We proffered apologies and he soon softened.

特殊听了赶忙去看温雪。Special listened to in a hurry to see WenXue.

当球飞来时,我赶忙低下了头。I ducked down quickly when the ball flew over.

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咱们去学校后面的动物园,赶忙!赶忙!Chop-chop ! We'll go to the zoo behind our school.

隋玉妈赶忙端上一杯温开水。The SuiYuMa quickly on a cup of warm boiled water.

本人为了看信乐团而赶忙地跃过一个石头。I hurry shin over a rock to get a look of the Shin.

我赶忙朝屋门跑去,以为是有人抢劫。I hurried to the door thinking we were being robbed.

我赶忙回到卧室里,开始收拾行李。I promptly went into the bedroom and started packing.

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营左赶忙命人抓捕中村功。Camp left quickly orders the arrest reactive nakamura.

他儿子赶忙到地里去看,禾苗全都枯死了!His son hurried into the ground to see, HeMiao all die!

那条船接近了礁石,于是赶忙驶开。The boat came close to the rocks and then sneered away.

痘疤完整结好后基本上就没用了,所以要赶忙。After a complete end pock basically useless, so quickly.

他们赶忙结束自己手里的活,因为天快黑了。They hurried to finish their work, for it was getting dark.

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我赶忙用围裙换下了他的大褂,这才算准备完毕。Once I've replaced his jacket with an apron, I'm ready to go.

我跟在后头,赶忙去穿我的西尔斯泳裤。I followed, racing to get into my Sears, Roebuck bathing suit.

孙子赶忙回家解释并且恳求丹孔珠的原谅。Grandson hurried home and begs explanation KongZhu Dan forgiven.