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在伸手不见五指的黑暗中,我什么也看不见。I couldn't see through the thick darkness.

窗外依旧黑,不见五指,没有月光。The window is still black, dark, moonless.

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我立时冲向他,五指弯成了爪子。I lunged at him then, my fingers curled into claws.

我在黑夜中醒来,四周漆黑,伸手不见五指。I awakened in the black and couldn't even see my hand.

那个男孩在伸手不见五指的黑暗中,慢慢地走上楼去。The boy, unable to see in dark, walked slowly upstairs.

窗外依旧黑,风且凉,不见五指,没有月光。The window is still black, wind and cold, dark, moonless.

确定五指毛桃不同采收部位的质量。To investigate the quality of different parts of Radix Fici Hirtae.

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传球靠手腕和五指发力。This pass gets its power from the flick of your wrists and fingers.

有一天,猫舰长的船在风雨交加、伸手不见五指的黑夜中行驶。One day, Captain Cat's ship was sailing on a dark, pitch-black night.

倘若你能把五指伸过去,那就是户,伸不过去就是门。If you can put your five fingers through it, it is a gate, if not a door.

可是伸手不见五指了,想着要是到市内也没车回北京那就惨了。But unable to see, if it didn't think the car back to Beijing that miserably.

他们也许会听说过五指鞋并且买一双。They might have heard about this FiveFingers thing and they might buy a pair.

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在一个伸手不见五指、通道又纵横交错的大山洞中迷了路。In one hand unable to see, the channel and criss-cross of large cave lost their way.

三天时间里,它们跑了一百八十公里,到了“五指”。In three days they went a hundred and eighty kilometres and reached the Five Fingers.

如果你走运的话,你可以抬起一只手,让五指张开去感觉一下胜利。If you're fortunate, you've got one hand raised, five fingers splayed in sensorial triumph.

⊙、父爱是北斗,即使在伸手不见五指的夜里,也能让我辨明方向。Is the father loves the big dipper, even in the opaque night, also can let I identify direction.

拿中国毛笔的方法一般是五指执笔法,笔杆要竖直。Basically, one should use five fingers to hold a Chinese writing brush and keep the shaft upright.

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即使是在伸手不见五指的黑暗中,对他同伙的人,他也只是在把背对着人时才说话。He only addressed his accomplices in the most absolute darkness, and with his back turned to them.

在一个伸手不见五指的晚上,池塘的蝌蚪在晒太阳!Stretch his hand not to see the five fingers in in the evening, the tadpole of the pond is in bask!

在伸手不见五指的黑暗中,他感到赫敏抓住了他的胳膊,他们一起原地旋转。In the pitch-blackness, he felt Hermione take hold of his arm and together, they turned on the spot.