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口头语往往被人们滥用,有时甚至会变得很烦人。Pet phrases tend to be overused by people and sometimes even become annoying.

俚语是通俗的口头语,带有浓郁的地方色彩和民间韵味。As a patois , or colloquial , slang is permeated with rich local color and flavor.

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语篇是指口头语或书面语中,由连续的句子或语段构成的意义统一体。Text refers to any piece of spoken or written language that forms a continuity in meaning.

1644年被满族人推翻后,明王朝把南京话作为其官方的口头语言。Ended in 1644 by the Manchu, the Ming Dynasty had Nanjinghua as its official spoken language.

标准词典里可以有口头语表达甚至俚语,但是会标出来。Colloquial expression_rs and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified.

汉语口头语的另一支客家语,是居住于龙岩附近客家族的语言。Hakka, another subdivision of spoken Chinese, is spoken around Longyan by the Hakka people who live there.

对于以英文为母语者来说,毋可避免地,都是先掌握口头语然后是书面语。For the native English speakers, inevitably, they would master the colloquial English before the formal one.

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“倾听对方,并适当发表意见,但一定要注意,避免用‘哦……’、‘你知道的……’、‘好像’之类的口头语”,她说。"Listen and comment appropriately and be sure to avoid phrases such as 'um,' 'you know,' and 'like,'" she said.

艺术,它要求翻译者能创造性的把一种语言的书面语或口头语转换成另一种语言的书面语或口头语。The art requires the translator to be creative in transferring from one natural written or spoken language to another.

儿童习得的是一些一般的原则,这些原则使口头语能合乎语法的基础。What is actually acquired by young children are some general principle that are fundamental to the grammaticality of speech.

如同口头语言,通过自发的和自然的方式,随着用户的需求演变。While the reason for the construction of BSL is quite simple and logical, this does not make the language any easier to use.

有力的演说者他的声调去面对的观众,力求分散人注意力的身体习惯动作,力求习惯性口头语。Effective speakers adjust their voices to the larger audience and work at avoiding distracting physical mannerism and verbal habits.

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有影响力的演说者调整他的声调去面对大量的观众,力求避免分散人注意力的身体习惯动作,力求避免习惯性口头语。Effective speakers adjust their voices to the larger audience and work at avoiding distracting physical mannerism and verbal habits.

美国网球教练敦促女儿去“杀”,也只是在重复每周六数以百万计体育迷的口头语。That American tennis coach who urged his daughter to "kill" was saying only what millions of sports fans think or say every Saturday.

词是一个表达单位,无论其是以口头语或书面语的形式出现,都能获得本族语言者的普遍直觉识别。WORD is a unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognition by native-speaker, whether it is expressed in spoken or written form.

楔形文字是已知的最早的书面语言。而一般认为,口头语的产生要比书面语早至少几万年。Cuneiform was the first known form of written language, but spoken language is believed to predate writing by tens of thousands of years at least.

真爱也不需要用语言去表达,常挂在嘴上的“我爱你”,有时就是一句习惯性的口头语,无关爱与不爱。True love also do not need to use language to express, often say it's "I love you", sometimes is a habitual, no care and love the colloquial English.

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在现代白话新诗特定发展阶段,口语是带有方言成分的口头语。During the particular stage of development of the modern vernacular poems, spoken language is an oral language which includes some vernacular components.

特别是性别歧视语在口头语和书面语中被有意或无意地使用,反映出性别歧视的文化传统。In particular, the intentional or unintentional use of sexist language in speech or writing reflects gender- biased cultural traditions in many societies.

孩子们可以从教师口头语言中获得信息,而且能不断地受到老师的形体信息,动作信息,表情信息的刺激。Children can obtain information from the colloquial English teachers, and did the teacher can unceasingly, information, information form expression of information.