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烟土贩子却被神秘人击毙。But the mysterious people killed Yantu traffickers.

其中黄棕壤与黄壤是全县主要植烟土壤类型。Yellow-brown soil and yellow soil is the main tobacco-growing soil.

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因此,建议在有机质含量和速效氮较高的植烟土壤上少施或不施饼肥。So we suggest that if the soil has high organic matter contents and available nutrient, it should applied less or no cake fertilizer.

采用GPS和GIS技术研究了云南省玉溪市红塔区植烟土壤养分分布状况和施肥分区。The spacial distribution of soil nutrients was studied at Hongta district of Yuxi city, Yunnan province by applying GPS and GIS technique.

对十堰烟区不同类型的植烟土壤主要养分的含量状况进行分析。The results showed that most of the soil samples in Shiyan tobacco-growing areas were from neutral to slightly acid and rich in organic matter.

分析了云南剑川、贵州镇远、湖南宁乡3个南方主要烟草种植区植烟土壤的肥力特征及硫素状况。Soil fertility characteristic and sulfur status of 3 main tobacco-growing areas Jianchuan of Yunnan, Zhenyuan of Guizhou, Ningxiang of Hunan in south China were analyzed.

在植烟土壤中设置不同处理,分别施入不同品种的钾肥,以研究其在土壤中的动态变化及对烟叶品质的影响。Different treatments in the tobacco fields soil by adding different potash fertilizers were out for studying the dynamic changes and their influence on the quality of tobacco leaves.

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尽管河南植烟土壤含钾量高于南方红壤,但其所产烟叶含钾量却远低于红壤。Although the soil K contents of Henan Province is higher than those of South China, K content of flue-cured tobacco leaf produced in Henan province is lower than those in South China.

贵州省植烟土壤及烟叶中量与微量元素含量研究不足,烤烟生产微肥施用不合理等问题,已制约全省烟叶品质的提高。There was shortage of research on the content of medium and micro elements, and how to manage the micro elements was restricted to the development of Guizhou flue-cured tobacco production.

调查分析了重庆市植烟土壤氯素含量及其与土壤农化特性的关系。Field investigation and laboratory analysis were carried out to study Cl content in tobacco-planting soils in Chongqing and its relationship with pH organic matter and available NPK in them.

在鄂西南植烟土壤上进行了不同绿肥对土壤肥力质量及其烟叶产质量影响的试验。A field experiment was carried out on planting tobacco soil in Hubei southwest to study the effect of different green manure crop on soil fertility quality and Flue-tobacco yield and quality.

本文通过一系列田间试验,结合昆明气候、土壤特点,研究不同耕作深度和起垄方法对烤烟农艺性状、产量和品质的影响,为昆明改良植烟土壤、改进烤烟栽培技术、生产特色优质烟叶提供参考依据。In this paper, a series of field experiments were conducted to study the effect of different tillage depth and ridging mode on the agronomic characters, yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco.

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连州烟叶的特点是总糖、还原糖含量高,上部叶烟碱含量偏高,与植烟土壤和烟株成熟后期雨水多有关。The feature of Lianzhou's tobacco was high total sugar content, high reducing sugar content and high nicotine content in upper leaves, having to do with its soil and too much rain in mature stage.

铁王爷又拿着银子交到那麻子手上,他求他赏些烟土,那麻子也是冒险将烟土运到热河,铁王爷解释说那是新姑爷上门带的聘礼。The Iron Duke took the money to the leper on hand, he asked him to enjoy some Yantu, the leper is adventure will be shipped to affion Jehol iron Wang explained that the new master door with the dowry.