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在CCL的收藏中,那是耶鲁大学的高流通库。It's in the CCL collection.

目前没有金币在流通。There are not gold coins about now.

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它们最初于一九二○年代开始流通。They originally started in the 1920s.

经常打开所有窗户,使空气流通。Often open all windows, make airiness.

打开窗户,让房间空气流通。Open the window and ventilate the room.

我们开窗以使室内空气流通。We ventilate a room by opening windows.

信息并非是全流通的。Information is not the full circulation.

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笼内必须有良好的空气流通。The cage must have good air circulation.

金钱是我们贸易中的流通手段。Money is our circulating medium in trade.

那扇大窗使这房间看来空气流通。The large window makes the room seem airy.

以批发市场为主体的农产品流通渠道。The AF through wholesale market and others.

卵石要连续不断的流通。The pebbles are continuously re-circulated.

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金钱是我们在贸易中的流通手段。Money is a blessing when it is used rightly.

因此要多开窗,加速空气流通。So many Windows, accelerated air circulation.

这是一张划线支票,是不可流通的。This is a crossed check, It is not circulate.

定时检查手指尖了解血液流通情况。Regularly check the thumbnail for circulation.

目前,我们有一些现金流通问题。We have some cash flow problems at the moment.

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设法改善病人居所的空气流通状况。Improve the air flow where the ill person stays.

地球上的电性流通正在被解除。Electrical current is being detoxified upon Earth.

浴室靠窗上的微流通风器通风。The bedrooms rely on trickle vents in the windows.