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大核桃树幼小。Pecan tree is young and small.

那些幼小的植物茁壮成长。The young plants grew lustily.

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在我幼小的心灵,他有着一个特殊的地位。In my young mind, he had a special niche.

在幼小时候,爸爸总喜欢问我奇妙的问题,这也是父母常情。My dad used to ask me that when I was little.

有时他们吃掉幼小的竞争鱼种。Sometimes they eat the young of their rivals.

维多利亚,一只幼小的袋鼠在妈妈肚子的口袋里。A joey gets a ride from its mother in Victoria.

莽汉和幼小的孩子们都比他们强。But roughs and little children better than they.

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许多幼小的植物在突然来到的霜冻中死去。Many youg plants were killed by the sharp frost.

朱莉叶30多岁,有一个幼小的女儿。Julie is in her thirties and has a baby daughter.

我有三只幼小可爱的暹逻种小白猫。I have three small pretty white young Siamese cats.

这只幼小的熊猫在这里适应的很好。The young panda is doing well in the circumstances.

海员是他的幼小心灵中梦想的职业。Sailor was the vocation his little heart dreamed of.

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幼小的她勤奋好学,遍览各种经典名著。She studied hard when she was young and read many books.

那么幼小她用舌头舔它都会使它站不稳。It's so young It totters when she licks it with her tongue.

母亲搂着小心包裹着的幼小的婴儿睡着。And the mother sleeps with her little child carefully wrapt.

一只spike,一只幼小的雄鹿,走进了喂食器附近的空地。A spike, a young buck, walks into a clearing near the feeder.

我是一个幼小的孩童,求祢让我进入那王国而获得提升。I am a little child, exalt me by admitting me to the kingdom.

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幼小的道琼斯工业平均指数损失了一半价值。The young Dow Jones industrial average lost half of its value.

后来,幼小的坡被住在弗吉尼亚州首府里士满的艾伦一家收养。The young Poe was adopted by the Allans of Richmond, Virginia.

对蚂蚁们来说,幼小的大象是种植园里的庞然大物.To the ants, the infant elephant is a giant in the plantation.