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你曾向这家店订制西服吗?Did you order a suit from the store?

他穿上订制的西服显得气度不凡。He looks distinguished in his custom-made suit.

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耐克消费者订制部门的负责人珍妮·杰克逊表示,“当今的年轻消费者希望与我们进行更深层次的联系。”Today's young customer expects a deeper connection.

人们当然也可以构建自己订制的通道。Of course, people can build their own custom channel too.

所有BNI的传统都是订制来支持这个使命的。All of BNI's traditions are tailored to support this mission.

一个订制的半圆窗安装在早餐区的角落。A custom half-circle window was installed in the breakfast nook.

系列对开的纸是一个可订制的联邦风格对开的纸装备。The F200-Series folios are a customizable federal style folio kit.

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读者可以自行订制浏览窗布局,并测试七种不同的版本。Readers can customise the layout and test seven different versions.

订制的木家具,是表现书香的灵魂。All the custom-made wood furniture in the study room go hand-in-hand.

你好,我想订制一款神州行套餐,你能给我推荐一下吗?Hello, I want to order an Easy-own package. What would you recommend?

五角大楼订制了4架F-22的原型机加速研发。The Pentagon ordered four F-22 prototypes built to speed development.

几乎每一台机器、轧机或者成套轧制设备都是客户专门订制的。Almost every machine, mill or complete rolling facility is custom-made.

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提供各类中西画架、镜架、相架之装裱及订制服务。Provides framing service of all kind of paintings, photo, mirror , etc.

可安装止回阀或订制自带止回功能的阀。Can be installed or custom built non-return valve function of the valve.

我们将依此名单订制会员成就徽章及附件。We will order achievement badges and attachments according to this list.

并可根据用户的要求订制特殊规格的产品。Can be customized according to customer demand for non-standard equipment.

部门已发展出一种新产品,其需用一个订制的配件。Division X has developed a new product that requires a custom-made fitting.

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对于PC板上之超高零件,如电源供应器,可接受订制。For the PC board of the high parts, such as power supply, acceptable order.

从你订制你的飞机到交付至少要半年的时间。It takes at least half a year from the time you order your plane to delivery.

该部门已开发出一种新产品,其需用一个订制的配件。The division has developed a new product that requires a custom-made fitting.