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没有人相信她已年过古稀。Nobody believes she is in her later years.

没有人相信她已年过古稀。Nobody is gonna believe that she is that old.

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孙子孙女们长大了,爷爷、奶奶年迈古稀。Grandchildren grow up, and grandparents grow older.

活到古稀想耄耋,活过耄耋望斯颐。No man is so old but think he may yet live another year.

这些古稀老人因为在生活的不同领域取得成就而受到尊敬。The Living Treasures are honoured for their achievements in many different areas of life.

“我没有丢掉饭碗,”一位只告诉别人他叫亨利的古稀老调解员说。“I didn’t lose my job, ” said a mediator in his 70s who would give his name only as Henry.

孙子孙女们长大了,爷爷、奶奶年迈古稀。Grandchilden grow up, and grandparents grow older. It became harder for Grandma and Grandpa to keep up the garden.

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你常常可以从一个已经年届古稀、或已放弃当总统的美国政治家那里获悉真相。You can always get the truth from an american statesman after he have turn seventy, or give up all hope of the presidency.

之所以要隐秘进行,原因在于古稀老人不怎么想听的一个说法—老年人最喜欢的咖啡店是私人疗养院伪装的。Stealthily, because the last thing septuagenarians want to hear is that their favourite coffee shop is a nursing home in disguise.

桃树下,一古稀老人眼戴一副老花镜,手捧一册典籍,聚精会神地阅读着。Under the peach tree, a seventy years of age wearing a pair of old eye reading glasses, hands and one classics, attentively reading the.

如今已是古稀老者的医学博士杰拉尔德·施耐德曼平生第一次目睹大屠杀的秘密和为之的缄默始于二战伊始,那时他还是个孩子。Gerald Schneiderman, M.D.'s first glimpse into the mysteries and silences of the Holocaust began as a child at the outset of World War II.

这仍然是人到古稀的许先生之真实写照,也是他对所有从事汉语教学和中国文化传承与传播的同仁们寄予的期望。This is true of Xu Jialu, a scholar over 70. This is also an expectation for all his colleagues in Chinese teaching and cultural promotion.

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孩子们兴奋好奇的打量脚下的钢板,在桥上奔跑踩出响声,年轻的情侣倚着栏杆互诉衷肠,古稀老人也在蹒跚经过时感叹一番如今的便捷安稳。The children run on the bridge with excited curious, young couple relate to each other leaning on the railing and even the old exclaim the convenience and safety when they go by.

建立一项法规允许年近古稀之人如他们所愿很快而安详地离去而没有公开宣布,在老年人中是完全有可能的。It is perfectly possible to frame a law that allows suffering people who are close to death to die quickly and peacefully, if they wish, without declaring open season on old folk.

临近主席台的一张桌子旁,10多位年近古稀的老人红光满面,每人胸前都戴了一朵红花,他们都是老三届的老师。Draw near by a piece of table of rostrum, many 10 old person in ruddy health of year of close seventy years of age, a safflower was worn before the bosom each, they are old 3 teacher.