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这一切充实着你。That's what feed it.

因为上帝会去充实他们。for they shall be filled.

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生活应该是充实的。Life should be fulfilling.

三军指挥机构已加以充实。Navy command to enrich already.

我感觉不到一丝的充实感。I didn't feel any real fulfillment.

花博不但充实我们的心灵。The Expowill not only enrich our souls.

你能把你的文章充实一下吗?Can you fatten your article out a little?

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爱,欢乐,和平,耐心和温和,我将用它们来充实我的一天。Love, joy, peace, patience and gentleness

我宁可去做一些能让我充实的事情。I would rather do what makes me fulfilled.

充实度过的星期天带来称心如意的一周。Sunday well-spent brings a week of content.

爱是充实了的生命,正如盛满了酒的酒杯。Love is enriched life as a cup full of wine.

我们发现了许多而这充实了这部影片。We discovered a lot that enriched the movie.

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他用确凿的事实充实自己的论点。He fleshed out his argument with solid facts.

奥修建议所有人都应该用爱来充实人生。Osho advised all to fill one's life with love.

珍惜青春,整个人生就会充实你!Value youth, and the whole life will eich you.

以一些数字和事实充实这份报告。Beef up this report with some figures and facts.

我要尽快地充实浩瀚的知识宝库。I would speed the vast career of civilizing lore.

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试着用不具体的概念充实你具体的事情。Build concrete things out of non-concrete concepts.

只有我们的付出,才使我们一天比一天充实。Only what we give away enriches us from day to day.

我的心灵跟你一样丰富,我的心胸跟你一样充实!I have as much soul as you,- and full as much heart!